Complex Wave Real and Imaginary Parts

How do we access the real and imaginary parts of a complex wave?
For example,

function cWaveMean()
make/C/o/n=1000 cWave=cmplx(1+gnoise(1),2+gnoise(10))
print sum(cWave)/numpnts(cWave)

outputs only the average of the real part of cWave.
Defining new waves for the real and imaginary parts is time intensive.
An inbuilt function to access the real and imaginary parts would be much faster?

I am trying to get the sum of the imaginary part of cWave without calling wavestats.
Igor's parser isn't very good at figuring out the overall number type of an expression. Try
make/C junk=cmplx(p, 10*p)
print/C sum(junk)

The /C on the print statement says to print it as complex. You can also assign to a complex variable:
Variable/C cvar
cvar = sum(junk)
print cvar

In both those cases, I get the expected: (8128,81280)

John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
Equating a declared complex variable to sum, mean,etc. of a complex wave works for both the real and imaginary parts.
Thanks johnweeks.