Generate Residual Waves with Batch Curve Fitting

I was wondering, is it possible for Batch Curve Fit to create and save a residual wave for each 1D wave that is fit with the user interface? I think it would be great to have it work similar to the curve fit interface, i.e. res_wavename. I know the residuals are stored in an image 2D wave, which is also great! I have data sets that contain 2000+ waves, so using the image line profile tool is not feasible. I could write a loop to automatically extract and name them the waves, which isn't too hard. Nonetheless, I thought it would be good to get clarification. Perhaps another route is to write my own batch fit inside a loop to fit my waves and save the residuals that way... The manual has an example that suppresses updates and saves coefficient and sigma waves, so maybe it is possible to save the residual waves this way.

If it helps, my end goal is to take the residual image from batch curvefit (see below) and create a 3D wave where the current Y-axis (simply number of 1D waves fit) is the Z-axis. I'm thinking about attempting to do this with redimension waves here. Thanks!


You could use the SplitWave operation to turn a 2000-column wave into 2000 individual waves. But you won't get res_originalname that way, you get TwoDName0, TwoDName1, etc.


Hi John,

Is it possible to have batch curvefit generate individual residual waves, wave0 --> res_wave0 etc., or are we limited to the image?


The SplitWave operation works once I rename the individual waves, but I am trying to avoid that if possible. Thanks!

Hmmm... I'm not real anxious to go mucking with that package. It's pretty complicated, and written by an fellow who hasn't worked for us for about ten years.

I note the SplitWave has a flag, /NAME that allows you to supply a list of the wave names you want. I suppose generating that list requires just as much code as simply renaming the waves after calling SplitWave.