How to delete a merged experiment folder

I merged several experiments into my main experiment. Now when I try to plot a new graph or table, they appear within a 'folder' icon, within which are all the waves imported from that experiment. That's fine. But how can I delete such folder if I no longer want it? I deleted (killed) all the waves within, but the folder is still there. The problem is that I have a lot of folders that hinder quick wave selection.
On a similar note - where is the 'Data Browser' located? I couldn't find it in any menu.
On a similar note - where is the 'Data Browser' located? I couldn't find it in any menu.

There should be a Data Browser item at the bottom of the Data menu. If you don't see it then your installation is probably messed up. You should reinstall Igor.

To learn about data folders, execute:
DisplayHelpTopic "Data Folders"
ali8 wrote:
I merged several experiments into my main experiment. Now when I try to plot a new graph or table, they appear within a 'folder' icon, within which are all the waves imported from that experiment. That's fine. But how can I delete such folder if I no longer want it? I deleted (killed) all the waves within, but the folder is still there. The problem is that I have a lot of folders that hinder quick wave selection.

I think you want the KillDataFolder operation.

From the command help:

KillDataFolder [/Z] dataFolderSpec
The KillDataFolder operation kills the specified data folder and everything in it including other data folders.
However, if dataFolderSpec is the name of a data folder reference variable that refers to a free data folder, the variable is cleared and the data folder is killed only if this is the last reference to that free data folder.
/Z No error reporting (except for setting V_flag) and does not halt function execution.
I uninstalled and re-installed the latest version, but still there is no Data Browser in the Data menu. I use Windows 7 Ultimate x64.

(To be clear, there is a "browse wave" option, but I think that's something different)
I uninstalled and re-installed the latest version, but still there is no Data Browser in the Data menu. I use Windows 7 Ultimate x64.

The Data Browser is created by a file named "Data Browser.xop" in "C:\Program Files (x86)\WaveMetrics\Igor Pro Folder\Igor Extensions". Igor finds "Data Browser.xop" by looking for it in the "Igor Extensions" folder which is located relative to the location of the Igor.exe file.

It is sounding like you have dragged the Igor.exe icon out of the Igor Pro Folder onto the desktop instead of dragging a shortcut onto the desktop.

Find the Igor Pro Folder (usually in "C:\Program Files (x86)\WaveMetrics\Igor Pro Folder" or something similar) and open it in Windows Explorer. Now double-click the Igor.exe file in Igor Pro Folder to launch Igor. You should have a Data Browser item at the bottom of the Data menu.
Thanks. Here is what I found. When I open Igor "normally", the Data Browser is there, working fine. However, since I usually have multiple Igor instances open at the same time (using cntrl+shift in windows), only the instance opened "normally" will have Data Browser. All other additional instances will not!

I don't know why is that the case, but anyway I solved my problem, although I'd like to know if there is any trick to do so that all instances have the Data Browser. Otherwise, that's fine.
To launch an additional instance of Igor, just double-click the Igor.exe icon or a shortcut pointing to it. As of Igor Pro 6.1 or thereabouts you don't need to press the Ctrl key.

Pressing shift has always disabled extensions, a.k.a., XOPs. Since the Data Browser is an XOP, pressing Shift disables it.