How to get the entire title for a Graph?

I have a Graph entitled "Graph10:Ext_8_1_9 vs F_8_1_9;...". I have function that works on this graph when this graph is active. I get the graph name using WinName(0,1) but the result is only "Graph10" and it omits the rest of the information (":Ext_8_1_9....."). Is there a command to get this information about the graph as well?
There is difference between a graphs title and name and generally they are not the same unless you make them so.

The Title refers to the string that is presented in the window and the name is the string that Igor uses to identify it. To see the difference select Window>Control>Window Control.... or cmd-Y.

When you want to pragmatically control or modify a window you will pass the window name. If you need to get the actual window title the best idea I have is to get the window recreation macro and parse around the display line. Looking at some examples I have it appears that in the display command in the macro the last string is the title.

Display /W=(750,500,1075,736)/K=1 as "Original"
Display /W=(246,45,748,607)/T :Temp:W_BoundaryY vs :Temp:W_BoundaryX as "Analysis"

or edit if you are showing a table
Edit/k=1/W=(750,277,1255,477) Output.ld as "Particles"

If you have not specifically set such as in this example
Display /W=(35,45,430,253) BID,BX,BX

It looks like the tittle is concatenation of the Name and the wave names BID,BX,BX
Window Graph0() : Graph
PauseUpdate; Silent 1 // building window...
Display /W=(35,45,430,253) BID,BX,BX
ModifyGraph rgb(BX)=(2,39321,1),rgb(BX#1)=(1,12815,52428)

Name: Graph0
Title: Graph0:BID,BX,BX

I haven't tested how generic it is but could be a place to start.
