How to insert the character Tau in to the axis label?

the character is attached. I tried to use the character viewer of my MAC OS to type this directly to igor pro, but it does not work.
On Windows you an switch to another font which substitutes the normal characters with Greek letters (e.g., Symbol font). Probably you can use the same method on Mac.
\F'Symbol't\F'Geneva'[rest of your text]

That's assuming you left the default font to Geneva. Symbol font is what I use to display Greek characters. Though I do agree that Unicode support in version 7 of Igor would be nice, so I can use all the other symbols natively without having to play font tricks.
astrostu wrote:
\F'Symbol't\F'Geneva'[rest of your text]

That's assuming you left the default font to Geneva. Symbol font is what I use to display Greek characters. Though I do agree that Unicode support in version 7 of Igor would be nice, so I can use all the other symbols natively without having to play font tricks.

Instead of explicitly setting the font to Geneva, which will break if you set a different font as the default font, use the Store Info and Recall Info escape sequences. So then the annotation would be (for instance)
where \[0 will store the current font, font size, etc., at the point where you insert it. Then \F'Symbol't inserts a tau character, and finally \]0restores the former font and appearance. Naturally, abc and def are stand-ins for your actual text.

John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.