How to make a spectrogram from time series data?

I'm trying to make something like this:

I have a time wave and several waves corresponding to power at a certain frequency bin. I've tried googling "Igor Pro Spectrogram" and similar topics but nothing looks like what I want to plot. How is this accomplished?

It looks like a completely standard image plot of a 2D wave. Try something like

Make/O/N=(10, 100) MyImage=sin(p/5-q/20)*sin(q/100)
display;appendimage MyImage
ModifyImage MyImage ctab= {*,*,YellowHot,0}


Just thinking loudly here, without too much knowledge of the reasons for Igor's naming schemes and your particular field of study, but isn't 'spectrogram' specifically referring to frequency data such as audio or radiowaves etc.? Image plot is the generic term here to display any kind of 2D data (yes, even geographic maps and images such as bitmaps).