Igor Pro not responding when working with Data Browser

My Data Browser have hundreds of waves in the root folder, plus tens of waves in another folder. I am trying to move some waves from that folder to root. I select the waves, and then move the pointer all the way up. It takes a while for 'moving up' since there are hundreds of waves. When this moving takes a little bit long, I find Igor not responding, and then I have to release the pointer, thus I am unable to move the waves. Is there any solution?
If your system appears too sluggish to drag a very large number of waves you should write a short function to accomplish the moving. Here is an example:
Function myMove()
    SetDataFolder root:myFolder             // set the current datafolder to the source DF
    String list=WaveList("*_w", ";", "")   // select what you want to move, e.g. waves that end with "_w"
    Variable i,numWaves=ItemsInList(list,";")
    string wname
        wname=StringFromList(i,list,";")   // get the name of the wave
        MoveWave $wname,$("root:"+wname)  // move it to root and use the original name.