Length of an arbitrary wavelist?

I'm writing a thing that looks at all the waves in a folder, then makes a wavelist of waves whose names meet certain criteria so I can do operations and plot them. The problem is that I don't always know how many waves meet that criteria, so I don't know how long the wavelist is. Sometimes it's one, sometimes two, three, five, etc.
What's a good way to loop over a wavelist of unknown size?
I'm assuming that, by wavelist, you mean a list of wave names in a string such as "wave0;wave1;wave2;".
Here is an example from the help topic "Displaying a Multi-Selection Open File Dialog":
If the list is very long, there is a faster method of iteration. See the help for StringFromList for an example.
Depending on your application, you may want to use a wave reference wave which is a wave containing references to other waves.:
DisplayHelpTopic "Wave Reference Waves"
July 1, 2024 at 08:03 am - Permalink
Thanks, @hrodstein. "ItemsInList" solved the problem.
July 1, 2024 at 09:43 am - Permalink