MatrixOp correlate details - autocorrelation of an image

Where may one find the details of MatrixOp function correlate, when applied on a 2D wave (image)? i.e. what does it compute and how.

What I want to compute in the end is [[v_{i,j} \cdot v_{i+m,j+n}]],
where v is a complex number defined over 2 dimensions i and j, which index it, \cdot is the dot product, and {m,n} are integers (indices are modulo N, the DimSize).
The [[ ... ]] indicates an average over {i,j}, i.e. sum_{i,j} divided by N^2.
It is not obvious to me what you are trying to compute. I suggest you start by writing the expressions you need to compute using standard operations. It would then be easier to convert to MatrixOP.
