Move existing control to a new panel

Can I move an existing control such as a ListBox to a new panel?

Thanks for your help...
Programatically or "by hand"? You could duplicate the panel (like everything else within Igor) using "ctrl+d" and then adjust things in the copy. If you just want one control out of the panel for a different use an option might be to create a recreation macro "Windows -> Control -> Window Control -> Create Window Macro" and then copy the code for the desired control from the procedure window (ctrl+m).
Thanks, I hadn't considered the modification of a recreation macro. I was hoping to have a way to take a complex control with its size, listwave, selwave, checkboxes, and procs, and simply move it to new panel that could pop up (triggered by some event on a different control) instead of on its original panel. I haven't discovered such a method yet, but considered essentially making a new copy of it and then killing the old one. Is it the case that a control is simply fixed to the panel that it was assigned to at the time of its creation, with no clean programmatic way to assign it to a different panel? Actually, for now a manual move will suffice.
I think this process should work:

Put the original panel into draw mode (Panel menu->Show Tools). Right-click the listbox and select Copy Commands. Activate the new panel. Paste the commands into Igor's command line and press Enter.

In fact, it might be possible to simply Copy the original and Paste into the new panel. Both panels need to be in Draw Mode.

John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
Thanks John, this does work- specifically, with both panels in draw mode, I can copy a ListBox that includes a proc, and paste it to the other window. the new copy of the Listbox behaves properly. Nice! It would be nice document this technique (perhaps along with others) in HELP, if it is not already.