Name assigned to control created with DrawUserShape( )?

I am hoping to use ControlInfo() to determine the location and size of a control previously created using DrawUserShape().  However ControlInfo() requires controlName as an argument to identify which control is of interest.

Do controls created by DrawUserShape() have a controlName?  If so, how do I retrieve it, or specify it when the control is created?  If not, is there any alternative way to retrieve the location and size of a user-shape control at run-time?

All suggestions are welcome.


P.S. I'm currently working in Igor Pro 7, but will likely port this to Igor Pro 8 soon.

DrawUserShape creates a drawing element, like the rectangle tool in the drawing tool palette. It does not create a control (e.g., Button, Checkbox).

You can get information about a drawing group using the DrawAction operation. I think that may be what you need.

Use "SetDrawEnvironment gstart" to start a named group, "SetDrawEnvironment gstop" to end a named group, and "DrawAction getgroup" to get information about the group.


In reply to by hrodstein

Thanks for your quick reply. 

I've found an alternative scheme that avoids (for now) having to extract the placement and size of the drawing element, but I'll refer back here if the question comes up again.