Only two-color color table

Dear All,
First time, I am in need of plotting a data which are x, y, and intensity in format. I plotted the Intensity values using "color as f(z)". Intensity values scale from -1 to +1. I used "RedWhiteBlue256" color table. This table have shown finite values around zero nearly white in color. I would like to set white color only for 0. Could you suggest how can I do it. Thanks in advance for your help and suggestion.
I am using Igor 6 version.
There's likely way to create your own custom color wave for this purpose, but if I understand your goal correctly, an easy workaround is just to set the color scale to a very small range around 0, for example +/- 0.001. Leave the "Before/After First Color" settings at their default, "Use First/Last Color."

For example, if you're plotting a 1D graph, try this command (replace "wv" and "int" with your wave names):
ModifyGraph zColor(wv)={int,-0.001,0.001,RedWhiteBlue,0}

Or in a 2D image plot:
ModifyImage int ctab= {-0.001,0.001,RedWhiteBlue,0}

If you need something fancier, read up on color index waves and the color wave editor (Data-Packages-Color Wave Editor). Igor 7 makes this even easier.