A problem from beginner

I'm a new Igor user. I have some two dimensions data and I want to change them to one dimension. So I find the code (see below), and I copy them to the producure window. But I don't know how to execute them. Can anyone help me. Thank you very much.

Function fSave_data_old_format(Data_date, n_start, n_stop)
string Data_date, n_start, n_stop

variable n=str2num(n_start), lim=str2num(n_stop)+1
string aa, bb
variable n1, lim1, t1, t2, tt, k, n2, lim2, n3, lim3=numpnts(time_s), n4, lim4
variable Seg_len=dimsize(data_ch0,1), Tot_part=dimsize(data_ch0,0), n5, n6, Particle_counter

if (n < 10)
bb = "00" + num2str(n)
if (n < 100)
bb = "0" + num2str(n)
bb = num2str(n)
aa = "SP2_"+Data_date+"x"+bb
SetDataFolder root:$aa
wave data_ch0, data_ch1, data_ch2, data_ch3, TimeWave
Seg_len = dimsize(data_ch0,1)
Tot_part = dimsize(data_ch0,0)
make/o/n=(Seg_len*Tot_part)/d Ch0, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3
n6 = 0
do // making 1-d data out of 2-d data
n5 = 0
if (data_ch0[n6][n5] < 2046)
ch0[n6*Seg_len+n5] = data_ch0[n6][n5]
ch0[n6*Seg_len+n5] = nan // remove saturated part of the scattering signal
ch1[n6*Seg_len+n5] = data_ch1[n6][n5]
ch2[n6*Seg_len+n5] = data_ch2[n6][n5]
ch3[n6*Seg_len+n5] = data_ch3[n6][n5]
n5 += 1
while (n5 < Seg_len)
n6 += 1
while (n6 < Tot_part)
Pathinfo home
bb = s_path + aa
NewPath/C/O/Q/Z Path1, bb
Save/C/O/P=Path1 Ch0 as "Ch0.ibw"
Save/C/O/P=Path1 Ch1 as "Ch1.ibw"
Save/C/O/P=Path1 Ch2 as "Ch2.ibw"
Save/C/O/P=Path1 Ch3 as "Ch3.ibw"
Save/C/O/P=Path1 TimeWave as "TimeWave.ibw"
killwaves Ch0, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3
n += 1
while (n < lim)
You need to type something like:

fSave_data_old_format("Data_date", "0", "100")

into the command line.

I haven't look though the code in detail, but be aware that you need a certain datafolder which will define what "Data_date" is. And there need to be certain waves present.
Unless your two-dimensional data is something special, you don't need all that code to convert it to 1D, you just need Igor's Redimension command. For instance, if you make a 2D wave with 10 rows and 4 columns:
Make/N=(10,4) '2DWave'=p+10*q
This command fills the wave with values that are easily distinguished. I usually make a copy of my data before manipulating it, just so I don't destroy anything. You can do that from a dialog, using Data->Duplicate Waves menu item. That will generate a command something like this:
Duplicate '2DWave', '1DWave'
Note that '1DWave' is still two-dimensional. Now this command will convert it to a one-dimensional wave, while preserving all the data:
Redimension/N=40 '1DWave'
The key here is that N=40 is the same number of points as N=(10,4). In that case, Igor will rearrange the data (actually, the data are laid out in memory the same way, Igor just changes its interpretation of the arrangement).

Note that I have had the bad taste to use "liberal" names (the initial digit makes them liberal names) and had to enclose the wave names in single quotes.

John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.