TBOX flag meaning

Dear Forum,

a quick Q: for the following line of code:

CurveFit/M=2/W=0/TBOX=(0x110) gauss, WF2_FFT[97,269]/D

what does the value of the flag for TBOX, (0x110) actually means?

Help file indicate that /TBOX = textboxSpec wich can have bit-sizes up to 512, or values corresponding to the sum of bit sizes.
so I am at the loss for the meaning of (0x110) which if I modify to, e.g. 0x220, appears to affect the values of my fit rather than the format or info to the textbox itself. which is what I would expect by changing the flags for TBOX.

Many thanks in advance.


You need to convert 0x110 to binary: 0b0100010000 (actually it's 0b0000000100010000...)
(0x for hexadecimal, 0d for decimal (often omitted), 0o for octal (rare), 0b for binary)
The 1's correspond to the used text box specifications ('smallest bit value on the right')
Decoding as follows:
0 : 1
0 : 2
0 : 4
0 : 8
1 : 16 Fit function name
0 : 32
0 : 64
0 : 128
1 : 256 Coefficient value report
0 : 512

Oooops ... Typos fixed
I can multiply by 2...
1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768 a.s.o.