"Waterfall" plot for X-Y1-Y2 data

I've been reading Igor's documentation on Waterfall plot, and I'm not sure how to adapt what I'm trying to do to this rubric or if there's a better method in Gizmo.

I have data in the form X-Y1-Y2. The attached picture will hopefully make this more clear. These data were collected at a given temperature, and I have analogous data sets for a series of temperatures. I'd like to visualize how these data change with temperature by plotting them on a 3D plot. That is, I'll show each X-Y1-Y2 data set, but spread out along a third Temperature axis. Again, I've been researching the NewWaterfall command, but it isn't obvious to me how this will work for my situation.

Any help will be appreciated.
Igor's built-in waterfall plot requires that your data be in a 2D wave. You can have an X wave but it must be the same X for all Y waves. If your original data uses different X waves then you would have to use interpolation to create a 2D wave with each column suitable for plotting against a single X wave.

An alternative is to create a "fake waterfall plot" using XY pairs. See http://www.igorexchange.com/node/2538.