Consistent mapping from special double values to integers

And that NaN mapped to a -1 which was kind of hard to track down.
It would be nice to have a fixed way of converting from special double values to integers.
Currently that seems a bit unspecified.
Function DoStuff() int a int64 b uint64 c print "Mapping NaN to int" a = NaN b = NaN c = NaN printf "%x, ,%x, %x\r", a, b, c Make/FREE/B a1 = {NaN} Make/FREE/B/U a2 = {NaN} Make/FREE/W b1 = {NaN} Make/FREE/W/U b2 = {NaN} Make/FREE/I c1 = {NaN} Make/FREE/I/U c2 = {NaN} Make/FREE/L d1 = {NaN} Make/FREE/L/U d2 = {NaN} print/D a1[0], a2[0], b1[0], b2[0], c1[0], c2[0], d1[0], d2[0] print "Mapping inf to int" a = Inf b = Inf c = Inf printf "%x, ,%x, %x\r", a, b, c Make/FREE/B a1 = {Inf} Make/FREE/B/U a2 = {Inf} Make/FREE/W b1 = {Inf} Make/FREE/W/U b2 = {Inf} Make/FREE/I c1 = {Inf} Make/FREE/I/U c2 = {Inf} Make/FREE/L d1 = {Inf} Make/FREE/L/U d2 = {Inf} print/D a1[0], a2[0], b1[0], b2[0], c1[0], c2[0], d1[0], d2[0] print "Mapping -inf to int" a = -inf b = -inf c = -inf printf "%x, ,%x, %x\r", a, b, c Make/FREE/B a1 = {-inf} Make/FREE/B/U a2 = {-inf} Make/FREE/W b1 = {-inf} Make/FREE/W/U b2 = {-inf} Make/FREE/I c1 = {-inf} Make/FREE/I/U c2 = {-inf} Make/FREE/L d1 = {-inf} Make/FREE/L/U d2 = {-inf} print/D a1[0], a2[0], b1[0], b2[0], c1[0], c2[0], d1[0], d2[0] End
Mapping NaN to int
8000000000000000, ,8000000000000000, 8000000000000000
-1 255 -1 65535 -1 4294967295 -9223372036854775808 -9223372036854775808
Mapping inf to int
8000000000000000, ,8000000000000000, 8000000000000000
-1 255 -1 65535 -1 4294967295 -9223372036854775808 -9223372036854775808
Mapping -inf to int
8000000000000000, ,8000000000000000, 8000000000000000
0 0 0 0 0 0 -9223372036854775808 -9223372036854775808
IMHO the best solution would be to throw a RTE with rtFunctionErrors=1 but I would expect that this is too costly performance-wise.