Gird options in graphs


Something ive wanted for ages is the ability to control the area which a grid covers. For example, i have 9 pairs of stacked axes in a single window (3x3) and i would like a grid for each individual plot. Currently if i turn on a grid for any of the axis it takes up the entire plot area (0-100%) in a given direction. Could a few extra options be added so the grid area could be linked to properties of selectable axes, or simply have boxes where you can specify the plotting bounds of the grid? Or something like NewGridPlot, which could be similar to Newfreeaxis.


This is more obvious in Igor 6.2 (the Grid tab of Modify Axis has more controls than 6.12A):


Restricts the length of axis grid lines to a subrange of normal. The grid is drawn from lowFrac tohighFrac of graph area height (if axis is horizontal) or width (if axis is vertical).
ModifyGraph grid(bottom1)=1,gridEnab(bottom1)={0,0.45}

--Jim Prouty
Software Engineer, WaveMetrics, Inc.
Since Igor 5 the gridEnab keyword has been present, which allows you to "restrict the length of grid lines to a subrange of normal". However it looks like it wasn't until very recently that the ModifyAxis dialog had a spot to control that setting--it was added in 6.20B02 (note that this is a beta version). If you have any version of Igor 6 you can get to the beta from the Help->Updates Igor menu, and it's a free upgrade.