Gizmo commands should appear in the command window


it would be very helpful, to see the Gizmo commands appear in the command window. Because, then I can directly use them for scripting.


Hello Jörg,

It would be useful indeed. This would probably happen once Gizmo is integrated into the main application.

WaveMetrics, Inc.
Igor wrote:
Hello Jörg,

It would be useful indeed. This would probably happen once Gizmo is integrated into the main application.

WaveMetrics, Inc.

And how would one go about doing this?

Jonpope wrote:

And how would one go about doing this?

The short answer is: Very carefully :)

I think you missed my point: Gizmo in IP6 is an XOP and as such there are limits on the level of its integration with the main application. The change is a huge job and not something that the end user could/should worry about. FWIW, as part of the transition to IP7 Gizmo has been completely integrated into IGOR and its dialogs spit up more command lines than you would care to type from scratch.

WaveMetrics, Inc.
Ah fair enough! Did get confused as I couldn't find anything about integrating XOPs. Looking forward to the update in IP7.
