Solution for Igor Pro Windows File Open/Save Dialog Crashes
Created on October 17 at 01:23 pm - by: admin
Several users have reported crashes on Windows while using the 64-bit Igor Pro application (versions 7 and above). These crashes occur when a system file open or file save dialog is presented, such as when using any of the File→Open or File→Save menu items. The crash could also occur when any built-in command that presents such a dialog, including Open or LoadWave, is called.
This crash is caused by an interaction between Igor Pro 7 or later and some versions of the Dell Backup and Recovery application, which was pre-installed on many Dell machines.
If you are not using the Dell Backup and Recovery application (in our experience, this is usually the case), we recommend that you uninstall Dell Backup and Recovery and then reboot your machine.
If you are using the Dell Backup and Recovery application, we recommend that you update the application to the latest version. While we have not tested different versions of Dell Backup and Recovery to determine whether this problem is present in all versions or only certain versions, some users have reported that updating the application to the latest version resolved the crash.
If you are using the Dell Backup and Recovery application and you cannot upgrade the application, you may be able to continue using the application with Igor Pro if you disable two extensions that Dell Backup and Recovery adds that cause the crash. To do that, download ShellExView from NirSoft. Run ShellExView and disable the following extensions:
- DBROverlayIconBackuped.DBROverlayIconBackuped Class
- DBROverlayIconNotBackuped.DBROverlayIconNotBackuped Class
Then reboot your machine.



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