Reduction of 2D scattering patterns to 1D I-q profile

Red2D is a small data reduction package to convert 2D elastic scattering patterns to 1D I-q profile, working on a scientific data analysis software Igor Pro.

This package can

  • Load 2D scattering patterns (32bit signed integer tiff)
  • Display 2D images and 1D I-q profiles
  • Get beam center and SDD by fitting standard sample (AgBh)
  • Make and apply mask on images
  • Perform circular average or sector average with proper mask
  • Normalize 1D I-q profiles with exposure time, transmittance, sample thickness, absolute intensity correction, and also support cell and solvent subtraction.


Reduction of AgBh scattering patterns into 1D profile

Project Details

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Current Project Release

Version: Red2D
Version Date:
Version Major: 1
Version Extra: 0
Version Patch Level: 0
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
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