McCabe-Thiel Plot Demonstration

This project is a demonstration for a McCabe-Thiel plot in distillation. The user inpust values on a panel to control the positions lines as below.

  • Set the shape of the equilibrium line using the relative volatility and the single-parameter Margules activity factor.
  • Set the input feed position and q-line value.
  • Set the distillate output composition. Set the relative reflux ratio as a factor over the minimum. Pin the relative reflux ratio at unity or to intercept the bottom at the feed.
  • Set the bottoms output composition. Set the boil-up ratio as a factor over the minimum. Pin the boil-up ratio at unity or to intercept the bottom at the feed.
  • Add grid lines to the plot or output the results to a layout to print or export.

Steps are currently not calculated. No help or other information is currently provided.


Image of the layout of graph and controls for the package.

Project Details

Current Project Release

Release File: McCabe-Thiel Plot Demo (39.13 KB)
Version: 1.20
Version Date:
Version Major: 1
Version Patch Level: 20
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

This is the first public release.

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