ScrollToZoom: Use Scrollwheel to Zoom Graph Window

I had some requests to turn this code snippet into a project.
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What it does:
Hold down the command/control key and scroll with mousewheel or trackpad to zoom both axes of a graph simultaneously. Holding down the shift key as well as command/ctrl accelerates the zoom factor. Expansion/contraction is centred at the mouse cursor position, so you can position your mouse and command-shift-scroll to zoom in rapidly on a point of interest.
Note that you can already use the mousewheel/trackpad to change the axis range if you hover over an axis, that's built in.
A very similar project already exists, but is probably not maintained anymore: https://www.wavemetrics.com/project/ScrollWheelZoom
Project Details
Current Project Release
Release File: | ScrollToZoom160.zip (1.65 KB) |
Version: | IGOR.9.00.x-1.60 |
Version Date: | |
Version Major: | 1 |
Version Patch Level: | 6 |
OS Compatibility: | Windows Mac-Intel |
Release Notes: |
First release as a project |



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