Project Releases

Baselines IGOR.7.00.x-5.04

Release File: (111.46 KB)
Version: IGOR.7.00.x-5.04
Version Date:
Version Major: 5
Version Patch Level: 04
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

Improves checking for incompatible traces

Baselines IGOR.7.00.x-5.03

Release File: (111.1 KB)
Version: IGOR.7.00.x-5.03
Version Date:
Version Major: 5
Version Extra: b
Version Patch Level: 03
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

Bug Fix: panel was redrawn incorrectly when clicking show info on a left-hand panel

Baselines IGOR.7.00.x-5.03

Release File: (105.25 KB)
Version: IGOR.7.00.x-5.03
Version Date:
Version Major: 5
Version Patch Level: 03
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

Reverses the order of the traces popup menu

Baselines IGOR.7.00.x-5.02

Release File: (105.44 KB)
Version: IGOR.7.00.x-5.02
Version Date:
Version Major: 5
Version Patch Level: 02
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:
fixes strconstant syntax errors

Baselines IGOR.7.00.x-5.01

Release File: (105.29 KB)
Version: IGOR.7.00.x-5.01
Version Date:
Version Major: 5
Version Patch Level: 01
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

Updated help file

Baselines IGOR.7.00.x-5.00

Release File: (100.14 KB)
Version: IGOR.7.00.x-5.00
Version Date:
Version Major: 5
Version Patch Level: 0
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

Setting mask regions now sets precisely the points within the selected range. Previously the points closest to the edges of the range were set in the mask wave. It is now possible to select a single point and to fit a constant baseline when only one point is selected. Other bug fixes and changes are listed in the procedure file.

Baselines IGOR.7.00.x-4.93

Release File: (99.8 KB)
Version: IGOR.7.00.x-4.93
Version Date:
Version Major: 4
Version Patch Level: 93
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

Takes into account fix for MoveSubwindow in Igor 9.03. Improved clarity of cleanup code that executes when package window is closed.

Baselines IGOR.7.00.x-4.90

Release File: (99.49 KB)
Version: IGOR.7.00.x-4.90
Version Date:
Version Major: 4
Version Patch Level: 9
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

New functions for importing and exporting settings: ImportSettings(), ExportSettings(), ImportNodes(), and ExportNodes(). Note that most settings are stored as preferences and are persistent, so importing and exporting settings is not usually required. The objective is to create a way to provide other users with a turnkey solution for fitting a particular type of baseline. A new information display area in the control panel shows a preview of fit coefficients and other baseline parameters.

Baselines IGOR.7.00.x-4.81

Release File: (94.33 KB)
Version: IGOR.7.00.x-4.81
Version Date:
Version Major: 4
Version Patch Level: 81
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

Adds Chebyshev series option to auto tab. New convergence test for auto baselines. Lengthy baseline calculations are interrupted with a dialog that has an option to halt calculation. Hover previews (Igor 9) for the baseline type popup in the auto tab are shown only when calculation is fast enough for the control to feel responsive.

Baselines IGOR.7.00.x-4.80

Release File: (93.04 KB)
Version: IGOR.7.00.x-4.80
Version Date:
Version Major: 4
Version Patch Level: 8
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

Adds Chebyshev series option for masked and node fitting

Baselines IGOR.7.00.x-4.79

Release File: (91.45 KB)
Version: IGOR.7.00.x-4.79
Version Date:
Version Major: 4
Version Patch Level: 79
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

Fixes auto spline fit to subrange for Igor Pro versions 7 & 8.

Baselines IGOR.7.00.x-4.78

Release File: (91.11 KB)
Version: IGOR.7.00.x-4.78
Version Date:
Version Major: 4
Version Patch Level: 78
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

New easy method for users to add unlimited custom fit functions. Instructions are provided in the updated help file. Adds iterative smoothing spline and ARS baselines. Restores Igor 7 compatibility.

Baselines IGOR.7.00.x-4.75

Release File: (88.33 KB)
Version: IGOR.7.00.x-4.75
Version Date:
Version Major: 4
Version Patch Level: 75
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

Adds option to save output waves in subfolders (for jjweimer)

Baselines IGOR.7.00.x-4.74

Release File: (88.02 KB)
Version: IGOR.7.00.x-4.74
Version Date:
Version Major: 4
Version Patch Level: 74
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

Version 4.73 was packaged with the wrong help file ('FTIR help' instead of 'baselines help'). Oops. It seems that I'm not doing well at packaging help files. The other file is intended for internal use in my department, so please discard it if you have downloaded it. If you looked at it at found something interesting, let me know!

Baselines IGOR.7.00.x-4.73

Release File: (1.41 MB)
Version: IGOR.7.00.x-4.73
Version Date:
Version Major: 4
Version Patch Level: 73
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

Fixes a preferences bug. The bug caused an inconsequential error message to appear for a first-time installation.

Baselines IGOR.7.00.x-4.72

Release File: (88.01 KB)
Version: IGOR.7.00.x-4.72
Version Date:
Version Major: 4
Version Patch Level: 72
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

Fixes bug that prevented overwrite dialog from appearing when output waves are saved in a data folder other than that currently selected.

Also fixes for Chozo the position of the help window.

Baselines IGOR.7.00.x-4.70

Release File: (87.99 KB)
Version: IGOR.7.00.x-4.70
Version Date:
Version Major: 4
Version Patch Level: 70
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

Adds Planck function for fitting black body radiance spectra

Baselines IGOR.7.00.x-4.62

Release File: (86.5 KB)
Version: IGOR.7.00.x-4.62
Version Date:
Version Major: 4
Version Patch Level: 62
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

Adds optional initialization parameters for starting baselines from an external function, e.g. baselines#initialise(tab=2,type=15,trace="foo").

Baselines IGOR.7.00.x-4.60

Release File: (85.75 KB)
Version: IGOR.7.00.x-4.60
Version Date:
Version Major: 4
Version Patch Level: 60
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

Bug fix for Igor 8, interpolate2 sometimes gave an error error when initializing spline nodes. New shortcut keys for adding and removing mask regions.

Baselines IGOR.7.00.x-4.50

Release File: (85.16 KB)
Version: IGOR.7.00.x-4.50
Version Date:
Version Major: 4
Version Patch Level: 50
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

New behavior: Tangent baseline looks for a common tangent when two regions are masked, and a horizontal tangent when only one region is masked.
Bug fix: using the (undocumented) browser menu item in Igor 9 to initialize a baseline fit sometimes resulted in improperly scaled axes because the graph window was not updated before initialization. Fixed with a judiciously placed DoUpdate.

Baselines IGOR.7.00.x-4.40

Release File: (84.21 KB)
Version: IGOR.7.00.x-4.40
Version Date:
Version Major: 4
Version Patch Level: 4
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

Fixes a bug would appear when running on some Windows computers but not others. The window hook function that tracks mouse clicks and cursor movements in the baseline fitting graph was not always properly set.

Baselines IGOR.7.00.x-4.30

Release File: (83.96 KB)
Version: IGOR.7.00.x-4.30
Version Date:
Version Major: 4
Version Patch Level: 30
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

Replaced manual 'step' function with sigmoid for consistency with masked and auto fit functions. Some speed improvements achieved by using FastOp. Added manual poly 5 function. Fixed a minor bug that found common tangents outside of the selected fitting range. Added a SetVariable to change polynomial order. Added a checkbox for fixing value of first fit coefficient in some fit functions. Fixed a cosmetic bug that affected the display of masked regions. Added checks for procedure file version changes after init. This enables a less ungraceful quit if an outdated baselines control panel is open in a saved experiment.

Baselines IGOR.7.00.x-4.21

Release File: (85.05 KB)
Version: IGOR.7.00.x-4.21
Version Date:
Version Major: 4
Version Patch Level: 21
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

Bug Fix: missing /Z flag for a wave parameter

Baselines IGOR.7.00.x-4.20

Release File: (85.06 KB)
Version: IGOR.7.00.x-4.20
Version Date:
Version Major: 4
Version Patch Level: 2
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

Fixed some code errors.

Details: In a few places the code was missing /Z flags for wave declarations where the wave might not exist.

Baselines IGOR.7.00.x-4.10

Release File: (85.04 KB)
Version: IGOR.7.00.x-4.10
Version Date:
Version Major: 4
Version Patch Level: 1
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

Some updates for manual baseline fitting. Updated help file.

Baselines IGOR.7.00.x-4.00

Release File: (84.53 KB)
Version: IGOR.7.00.x-4.00
Version Date:
Version Major: 4
Version Patch Level: 0
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

Version 4 merges the former ArcHull and Baseline Spline Fit projects with this project.

Baselines IGOR.7.00.x-3.30

Release File: (13.36 KB)
Version: IGOR.7.00.x-3.30
Version Date:
Version Major: 3
Version Patch Level: 3
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

Adds 'step between cursors', inspired by Stephan Thuermer's Spectra Background Remover project.

Includes some additional options for (re)coloring traces. Edit the constants in the procedure file to customize behaviour.

Baseline Fitting IGOR.7.00.x-3.20

Release File: (12.1 KB)
Version: IGOR.7.00.x-3.20
Version Date:
Version Major: 3
Version Patch Level: 2
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

Fixes bug introduced when rtGlobals pragma setting was changed in a previous release

Baseline Fitting IGOR.7.00.x-3.14

Release File: (12.23 KB)
Version: IGOR.7.00.x-3.14
Version Date:
Version Major: 3
Version Patch Level: 14
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

adds missing include statement for ReadbackModifyString.

Baseline Fitting IGOR.6.30.x-3.13

Release File: (11.73 KB)
Version: IGOR.6.30.x-3.13
Version Date:
Version Major: 3
Version Patch Level: 13
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

Now works with axes other than left and bottom

Baseline Fitting IGOR.6.30.x-3.08

Release File: Baselines.ipf (36.27 KB)
Version: IGOR.6.30.x-3.08
Version Date:
Version Major: 3
Version Patch Level: 08
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:
restores printing to history of commands for setting mask regions

Baseline Fitting IGOR.6.30.x-3.07

Release File: Baselines_6.ipf (35.7 KB)
Version: IGOR.6.30.x-3.07
Version Date:
Version Major: 3
Version Patch Level: 07
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

Records fit coefficients in wave note of output wave, so that user has access to these for further processing

Baseline Fitting IGOR.6.30.x-3.05

Release File: Baselines_5.ipf (32.67 KB)
Version: IGOR.6.30.x-3.05
Version Date:
Version Major: 3
Version Patch Level: 05
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

Adds easy-to-edit user-defined fit function - edit the last three functions where indicated.

Baseline Fitting IGOR.6.30.x-3.04

Release File: Baselines_4.ipf (31.35 KB)
Version: IGOR.6.30.x-3.04
Version Date:
Version Major: 3
Version Patch Level: 04
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

Backward-compatible for Igor 6

Baseline Fitting IGOR.7.00.x-3.03

Release File: Baselines_3.ipf (31.2 KB)
Version: IGOR.7.00.x-3.03
Version Date:
Version Major: 3
Version Patch Level: 03
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

Panel size decreased for compatibility with smaller or lower resolution screens. Some bugs fixed.

Baseline Fitting IGOR.7.00.x-3.02

Release File: Baselines_2.ipf (30.93 KB)
Version: IGOR.7.00.x-3.02
Version Date:
Version Major: 3
Version Patch Level: 02
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

bug fix

Baseline Fitting IGOR.7.00.x-3.01

Release File: Baselines_1.ipf (30.23 KB)
Version: IGOR.7.00.x-3.01
Version Date:
Version Major: 3
Version Patch Level: 01
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

Uses a new control panel interface. Baseline is updated in response to controls. Added some extra fitting functions. New option to attempt to fit a tangent between two curved regions of spectrum.

Baseline Fitting IGOR.7.00.x-3.0

Release File: Baselines_0.ipf (29.75 KB)
Version: IGOR.7.00.x-3.0
Version Date:
Version Major: 3
Version Patch Level: 0
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

Uses a new control panel interface. Baseline is updated in response to controls. Added some extra fitting functions. New option to attempt to fit a tangent between two curved regions of spectrum.

Baseline Fitting IGOR.6.30.x-2.0

Release File: Baselines.ipf (22.25 KB)
Version: IGOR.6.30.x-2.0
Version Date:
Version Major: 2
Version Patch Level: 0
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

should work with X-Y data

Baseline Fitting IGOR.6.02.x-1.1.0-b

Release File: (3.21 KB)
Version: IGOR.6.02.x-1.1.0-b
Version Date:
Version Major: 1
Version Extra: b
Version Patch Level: 1
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

version 1.1.0b
a beta version. pay careful attention to the usage - there's not much checking going on.




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