Fiber Composite Designer


This is a package that was developed to show how uniform, continuous, fiber composites behave using different input parameters. You can vary the densities, modulii, strengths, and fiber volume fraction. Graphs show the stress-strain behavior of the system, the intrinsic density or fiber weight fraction, and the iso-strain or iso-stress modulus or specific modulus of the composite. Everything is self-contained.

Screenshot for Fiber Composite Designer package.


Screenshot for Fiber Composite Designer package.

Project Details

Current Project Release

Fiber Composite Designer IGOR.6.20.x-1.0

Release File: FiberCompositeDesigner.pxp (272.15 KB)
Version: IGOR.6.20.x-1.0
Version Date:
Version Major: 1
Version Patch Level: 0
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:



First release.


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