Igor Root Bridge

ROOT ( http://root.cern.ch/) is the most popular analysis/display package used in High Energy Physics. It uses a complex binary format to store data. This project links an Igor XOP to the ROOT libraries (which must also be installed) to allow import of the most commonly used data objects: 1- and 2-D histograms and 1- and 2-D profiles.

Project Details

Current Project Release

Igor Root Bridge IGOR.6.03.x-00.01.00-alpha

Release File: myOp copy.zip (7.88 MB)
Version: IGOR.6.03.x-00.01.00-alpha
Version Date:
Version Major: 0
Version Extra: alpha
Version Patch Level: 0
OS Compatibility: Mac-Intel
Release Notes: XCode project of the Root/Igor bridge, requires the Root libraries to be installed and the ROOTSYS environment variable (in order to pick up the libraries). Loads all 1D histograms, 2Dhistograms of types float/double, 1 D profiles.
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