Experiment Preview

The aim of this project is to aid the Igor Pro user in selecting one among many saved experiments. The method is to create a formatted notebook containing currently visible graphs in an open experiment. The notebook is saved under the same name and directory as the experiment. Saved notebooks can be quickly viewed through a panel containing a simple method of selecting a disk path and displaying the names of notebooks residing in that path in a list box. Contents of the notebook are displayed in a notebook subwindow on that panel when the user clicks on a item in the listbox.

Based on this topic on IgorExchange -- http://www.igorexchange.com/node/4540.


Project Details

Current Project Release

Experiment Preview IGOR.6.01.x-2-2013.05.04

Release File: JTG_ExperimentPreview_0.ipf (98.75 KB)
Version: IGOR.6.01.x-2-2013.05.04
Version Date:
Version Major: 2
Version Extra: 2013.05.04
OS Compatibility: Mac-Intel Windows
Release Notes: There are several significant changes:

  • Preview panel now has two tabs: one for saving the preview and the other for viewing the preview.
  • On the save tab, the user may select from several window types to save in Preview: Graphs, Tables, Layouts, Panels, Notebooks and XOP windows. Items in Preview are grouped by window type and delimited for clarity.
  • The view tab has a setvariable for entering a filter string that is used to limit entries in the Preview Notebook listbox.
  • Experiment corresponding to a preview can be opened from the view tab via the Open Experiment button.
  • Several items: window types (selected on save tab) and path to Preview Notebooks (set on view tab) are saved as preferences that persist between instances of the experiment. The window type preferences are used for a quick Preview Notebook save menu item that doesn't involve the panel.
  • A brief Help file can be accessed from the File menu.
  • As in the previous version, this is accessed through File -- Experiment Preview menu.

    See also Igor preview generator for OS for a very nice OSX only variation.
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