Line Scan Analysis

A procedure for generating kinetic profiles from analysis of intensity values from confocal line scans.
Sequential line scans are imported into 2D waves from either TIFF or Zeiss LSM* files.

Analysis options include:
  • choice of statistical test run on line scan data
  • ability to set inter-line scan-interval
  • stat values output to data table
  • creation of a graph and curve fit options

Running "Line Scan Analysis" from the Macros menu creates a panel (see screenshot).

(* requires the LSMreader.pxp written by Stephen R Ikeda
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Project Details

Current Project Release

Line Scan Analysis IGOR.6.30.x-2.2

Release File: LS_analysis_0.ipf (19.03 KB)
Version: IGOR.6.30.x-2.2
Version Date:
Version Major: 2
Version Patch Level: 2
OS Compatibility: Mac-Intel Windows
Release Notes: Fixed an error on TIFF import with ImageLoad. Importing temp.tif file will now create a wave named temp. If either the file name or wave name already exists, they will be overwritten upon import.
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