Loomis-Wood Add-In

The Loomis-Wood Add-In is a package for Igor Pro that allows the creation of interactive Loomis-Wood plots for the analysis of high resolution molecular spectra.

Project Details

Project Homepage: View Homepage
Project License: https://github.com/cfneese/LoomisWood/blob/Version_2/LICENSE

Current Project Release

Loomis-Wood Add-In IGOR.6.30.x-2.11

Release File: LoomisWood-Version_2.zip (66.73 KB)
Version: IGOR.6.30.x-2.11
Version Date:
Version Major: 2
Version Patch Level: 11
OS Compatibility: Mac-Intel Windows
Release Notes: The Loomis-Wood Add-In is a package for Igor Pro that allows the creation of interactive Loomis-Wood plots for the analysis of high resolution molecular spectra.
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