PG5_LoadDICOM is a package for loading some types of DICOM files. It can read any formal DICOM header, but the nature of DICOM is that the header contains the information needed to load the the data, which can be in any format (dozens of different ones for images, and other data like ECG/EKGs). For the usual CT /MRI /XR data of greyscale 8 or 16bit images, the loader can optionally load the data and display it. The code is pretty ancient and has been patched together for about 15 years now, but still works OK. I only not have Igor 6 functioning, so haven't tested it on IP5.

Project Details

Current Project Release

PG5_LoadDICOM IGOR.5.00.x-5.2

Release File: (222.38 KB)
Version: IGOR.5.00.x-5.2
Version Date:
Version Major: 5
Version Patch Level: 2
OS Compatibility: Mac-Intel Windows
Release Notes: Updated the functions for setting the header and wave-note outputs (which didn't work in the new self contained version). Now sets the preferences path correctly if the required path exists and does not point to a valid directory/folder.
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