PicoHarp File Access for Igor Pro

Matthew Sfeir
This procedure is based on the File Access Demo in Matlab script written by Peter Kapusta, PicoQuant GmbH, September 2006.
It was ported to IGOR Pro so that the binary data files (*.phd) created by the PicoHarp 300 time correlated single photon counting module can be directly read and analyzed.
This procedure has been tested with version 2.0 of the PicoHarp file format (since Sept 2006) and is compatible with the most current hardware models.
This script adds a menu item, "Load PicoHarp *.phd File" to the Load Waves menu. It reads the contents of a *.phd file and writes all relevant experimental information to the IGOR history area. The data from each channel 0 - 7 is stored in a separate wave, scaled appropriately to the instrument resolution for that channel.
By default it produces a graph containing all waves plotted on a log y scale.
There are two versions of this procedure, one for IGOR Pro v.4+ and one for IGOR Pro v.6+.
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It was ported to IGOR Pro so that the binary data files (*.phd) created by the PicoHarp 300 time correlated single photon counting module can be directly read and analyzed.
This procedure has been tested with version 2.0 of the PicoHarp file format (since Sept 2006) and is compatible with the most current hardware models.
This script adds a menu item, "Load PicoHarp *.phd File" to the Load Waves menu. It reads the contents of a *.phd file and writes all relevant experimental information to the IGOR history area. The data from each channel 0 - 7 is stored in a separate wave, scaled appropriately to the instrument resolution for that channel.
By default it produces a graph containing all waves plotted on a log y scale.
There are two versions of this procedure, one for IGOR Pro v.4+ and one for IGOR Pro v.6+.
For information about our spectroscopy facilities, please visit:
Project Details
Current Project Release
PicoHarp File Access for Igor Pro IGOR.5.00.x-1.1-1
Release File: | Read_Picoharp_Files_IGORv4_v1.ipf (16.27 KB) |
Version: | IGOR.5.00.x-1.1-1 |
Version Date: | |
Version Major: | 1 |
Version Extra: | 1 |
Version Patch Level: | 1 |
OS Compatibility: | Mac-Intel Windows |
Release Notes: | Version one for Igor Pro v.4+. Add this file to your User Procedures folder, load, and compile. |



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