Smith Chart and Vector Network Analyzer Support

Displays data typically obtained from vector network analyzers (VNAs), such as the HP 8753 and 8510, in Smith chart form. Computations and a nice "RF engineer-friendly" cursor readout are incorporated into the Smith chart. Also displays various computed parameters vesus frequency, such as complex impedance and return loss. Instructions are contained in the Notebook, and the experiment comes up ready to accept data.


Project Details

Current Project Release

Smith Chart and Vector Network Analyzer Support IGOR.6.00.x-2.0-Beta-1

Release File: (127.72 KB)
Version: IGOR.6.00.x-2.0-Beta-1
Version Date:
Version Major: 2
Version Extra: Beta-1
OS Compatibility: Mac-Intel Windows
Release Notes: Initial public beta release. Will probably work with Igor 5.0 also. Please email comments to author.
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