SFL: All Core Packages


This package provides two core packages developed under the STANDARDIZED FILE LOADERS (SFL) line: the structure + functions package and the input panel package. It also includes two file loaders: XML and Delimited Text.

The package will updated when official releases of its four packages are updated. Therefore, it should always represent the most recent versions of these four packages.

First time users of the SFL packages should download this entire package first. Incremental updates are then readily done by downloading snapshots for any of the four packages. You should also download any other file loaders separately.

Project Details

Project CVS: http://svn.igorexchange.com/viewvc/packages/udStFiLrAllPackages/

Current Project Release

udStFiLrAllPackages IGOR.6.03.x-1.x-dev

Release File: udStFiLrAllPackages-IGOR.6.03.x-1.x-dev.zip (550.37 KB)
Version: IGOR.6.03.x-1.x-dev
Version Date:
Version Major: 1
Version Extra: dev
OS Compatibility: Mac-Intel Windows
Release Notes:


This is the development release of ALL PACKAGES that are associated as STANDARDIZED FILE LOADERS.
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