This is a STANDARDIZED FILE LOADER for reading XML data-type file into Igor Pro according to rules in a user-generated XSL file.


By preparing a proper XSL file, a user can input an XML data file into Igor Pro. Data can be input as (global) strings or variables or as text or numeric waves. Addition code at the end of the XSL can be used to initiate Igor Pro commands, in essence allowing a user to have one XSL file load data, process it, and display it.

Distribution Details

  • Experiments: none
  • Procedure Files: udStFiLrXML and udStFiLrXML.lcl
  • XOPS: none
  • Demos: none (this package works as a "plug-in" to the file loader demo panel found here)
  • Requires Packages: udFLStandard Structure and udFLStandard Functions found here
  • Also Requires: MacOS X: NOTHING ELSE Windows: the XSLT engine AltovaXML (see below)
  • Help Files: none
  • Documentation: Users Manual (PDF) and Version History (XML)
Windows Users

You must install the AltovaXML program so that it can be run in command line mode. Here briefly is how to confirm and fix this ..

  • Open the Command Prompt
  • Type "AltovaXML /ver" (without quotes)
  • When a version number shows, installation is fine

Project Details

Project CVS: http://svn.igorexchange.com/viewvc/packages/udStFiLrXML/

Current Project Release

udStFiLrXML IGOR.6.03.x-1.0.x-dev

Release File: udStFiLrXML-IGOR.6.03.x-1.0.x-dev.zip (117.32 KB)
Version: IGOR.6.03.x-1.0.x-dev
Version Date:
Version Major: 1
Version Extra: dev
OS Compatibility: Mac-Intel Windows
Release Notes: This is a snapshot of the core for the project. See the SVN log here for information on changes made.

When in doubt, please download an official release of this project.
View All Releases




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