Igor Pro 6.37 Installer
Release Type: | Full |
Product Catalog: | Igor Pro |
Software Family: | Igor Pro 6.3 |
Version Number: | 6.37 |
Igor Pro 6.3 System Requirements (Macintosh)
Igor Pro 6.3 requires Mac OS X 10.4 or later. Igor Pro 6.3 runs natively on PowerPC and Intel processors.
If you want to run Igor on an earlier operating system, you must run Igor Pro 6.0x or earlier.
Installing Igor Pro 6.3 (Macintosh)
If you have an existing "Igor Pro 6.3 Folder" on the disk you'll be installing to, either remove or rename the folder to avoid overwriting the existing Igor files.
To install, drag the Igor Pro 6.3 Folder to your Applications folder.
Igor Pro 6.3 System Requirements (Windows)
Igor Pro 6.3 requires Windows XP, Vista, 7 or 8.
Upgrading Igor Pro 6.3 (Windows)
For those people upgrading from previous versions of Igor, here is the recommended upgrading procedure:
- Backup your own Igor Pro files, and any WaveMetrics-supplied files that you have modified. Put them someplace where you won't accidentally overwrite them, such as burned onto a CD-R.
- Uninstall your old Igor. If you have problems with this step, see the documentation in uninstallAll3x4x5x6xIgorKeys.txt.
- Install Igor Pro 6.3.
Igor License Activation
When Igor Pro 6.3 is first launched, it prompts you for your serial number and activation key.
These are printed on a sticker attached to the IGOR Pro CD or in an email you received from WaveMetrics.
NOTE: The activation key for Igor Pro 6.3 is the same as for 6.0, 6.1 and 6.2, but differs from Igor 5 and earlier.
If you have not entered the serial number and activation key, Igor runs in fully-functional 30-day evaluation mode. After 30 days Igor will no longer save experiments, procedures, data, or graphics until you enter a valid serial number and activation key.
You can enter a license activation key at a later time by selecting "License..." from the "Help" menu.
Installing Igor Pro 6.3 onto a Network Server
Your administrator can install Igor Pro onto a file server, and activate a license for all users by launching Igor and entering the serial number and activation key with the "Install for All Users" checkbox checked. After clicking "Activate Entered License", choose the "Server license installation for local and remote users" radio button and click "Install License". This would be appropriate if a multi-user license was purchased.
On Windows, your administrator can "silently" install Igor from a batch file or other command line-based utility by running the setupIgor63.exe installer with the -s option. By placing an edited copy of the Settings.ini file found in the Silent Igor Installation folder (inside the Miscellaneous folder or on the installation CD-ROM), the administrator can install and activate a licensed copy of Igor. See the content of the Settings.ini file for documentation.
If the administrator installs Igor but does not enter a serial number and license activation key, you can enter them yourself, though the license will not be shared by other users; other users will run Igor in 30-day evaluation mode. This is appropriate if you are the only user of Igor but only your administrator is allowed to install programs.
After Installing Igor Pro 6.3
We recommend that you do not modify any WaveMetrics-supplied procedure files, as your modifications will be lost when you update Igor.
We also recommend you read the "What's New In Igor Pro 6.1" and "What's Changed Since Igor 6.10" help files.
You may wish to enable additional Igor extensions. See Activating More Extensions for details.
On Macintosh, if you have more than one copy of Igor on your hard disk, you will not know which version the Finder will launch when you double-click an Igor experiment. The easiest solution for this is to launch the Igor you wish to use and then double-click the experiment, or drag the file onto the icon of the desired Igor version.
Electronic Registration
You can register your copy of Igor by selecting "About Igor Pro..." from the "Igor Pro" menu, clicking the "License..." button and then click the "Register Igor Online" button.
Getting Started with Igor Pro
We strongly recommend that you take the "Guided Tour of Igor" in the Getting Started manual. It will get you off on the right foot and will save you a lot of time in the long run.
To get a feel for what Igor Pro can do, use the File→Example Experiments submenu to open several example experiments.
Igor Pro has extensive and informative interactive help (called 'Igor Tips'). And check out the Help Browser: Choose "Igor Help Browser" in the Help menu.
See "What's Changed Since 6.10.ihf" for a description of changes in the current and previous Igor 6 updates.
We recommend that users upgrading from Igor 5 see the "What's New In Igor Pro 6" help file; it explains the changes and additions since Igor Pro 5.
We recommend that users upgrading from Igor 6.0 see the "What's New In Igor Pro 6.1" help file.
Online Manual
This version of Igor Pro includes the full Igor Pro manual set as PDF (Adobe Portable Document Format) files copied to your hard disk during installation. They may be accessed from Igor's Help menu by choosing "Manual".
To use the online manual you will need Adobe Reader 6.0 or later.
Demos from WaveMetrics
Demonstration versions of the Igor Filter Design Laboratory and NIDAQ Tools are installed into the "Product Demos" folder on your hard drive. They may be removed without affecting Igor's operation.
For other product demos, visit http://www.wavemetrics.com/support/demos.htm.
Activating More Igor Pro Extensions
Extensions in the "More Extensions" folder are not available in Igor Pro until you activate them.
Macintosh Instructions
To activate the SndLoadSaveWave.xop extension, for example:
1. In the Finder, make an alias for the file "More Extensions:File Loaders:SndLoadSaveWave.xop". (It may be simplest to command-option drag the icon onto your desktop to create the alias there.)
2. Choose "Show Igor Pro User Files" from Igor's "Help" menu. This displays your personal (and guaranteed writable) Igor configuration folders.
3. Drag the alias into the "Igor Extensions" folder.
4. Restart Igor Pro.
To see documentation and instructions for using SndLoadSaveWave.xop, double-click the file "More Extensions:File Loaders:SndLoadSaveWave Help.ihf".
If you want to have the SndLoadSaveWave Help file always available in the Windows menu:
5. Make an alias to the SndLoadSaveWave Help.ihf file and drag it into the "Igor Help Files" folder inside the Igor Pro 6 User Files folder.
Windows Instructions
For example, to activate the MultiPeakFit.xop extension:
Choose "Show Igor Pro Folder" from Igor's Help menu to locate the Igor installation folder. Right-click the "More Extensions\Curve Fitting\MultiPeakFit.xop" file and choose "Copy". Choose "Show Igor Pro User Files" from Igor's Help menu to locate your personal (and guaranteed writable) Igor configuration folders. Right-click inside the "Igor Extensions" folder and choose "Paste Shortcut". Restart Igor Pro.
To see documentation and instructions for using the extension, double-click the file "More Extensions\Curve Fitting\MultiPeakFit Help.ihf".
If you want to have the associated help file always available in the Windows menu:
Copy the MultiPeakFit Help.ihf file and paste a shortcut into the "Igor Help Files" folder inside the Igor Pro 6 User Files folder.
Igor Programming Tips
New and experienced Igor programmers should check out:
- The Igor Pro Programming and Reference manual.
- The "WM Procedures Index" help file.
- The "XOP Index" help file.
Updating Igor Pro 6.3 to the Latest Version
Choose "Updates for Igor 6.3" from the Help menu to query the WaveMetrics web site for available standalone updaters which will update any Igor 6 to the latest version without requiring you to enter your serial number or activation key.
These updaters can also be found by visiting our updaters web site.
Getting Igor News
There are several ways to keep up with the latest Igor news and get the latest tech notes and what-not:
Visit us on the World-Wide Web at: http://www.wavemetrics.com
Igor Exchange
Our user-to-user support and collaboration forum also allows users to share complete projects or "code snippets" so that other users can download them.
Igor Mailing List
The Igor mailing list provides a way for hundreds of Igor users to help one another and share solutions and ideas. WaveMetrics also posts information on the latest Igor developments.
instructions on subscribing, unsubscribing and posting to the list.
Before there was the Web, there was only FTP for sharing files such as Igor experiments, XOPs, and procedure files.
WaveMetrics often shared updated "hot fix" replacements for XOPs, procedures, experiment files, "Technical Notes" and updaters for the Igor application and associated products.
The Igor FTP site has been shut down, and the uploaded files have been moved into this Igor FTP Archive.
We welcome feedback at any time and we do take it seriously.
Our email addresses are sales@wavemetrics.com and support@wavemetrics.com.



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