Matching different Gizmos' viewing angles

I often want to look at different 3-D surfaces displayed in separate Gizmos, and view them from the same angle. Here is a tiny, quick-and-dirty aid to doing that.
function GizMatch(sGizmo0, sGizmo1) // match Gizmo Euler viewing angles, string sGizmo0, sGizmo1 // Gizmo window names (strings) GetGizmo/N=$sGizmo0 curRotation ModifyGizmo/N=$sGizmo1 euler={gizmoEulerA, gizmoEulerB, gizmoEulerC} end
More ambitious users can also use the same basic commands, along with window hook functions, to get the viewing match to occur continuously as one Gizmo is manually rotated.



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Note that in Igor 7 and above, you can right click on a Gizmo window and select from the "Rotate to Match" or "Sync to Gizmo" submenus to accomplish the above.
September 20, 2018 at 08:19 am - Permalink
Thanks, Adam. It's hard for me to keep up with all the continuing improvements.
September 20, 2018 at 08:23 am - Permalink