CurveFit dialog: Access to wave subranges

Display w[][%Temperature] vs w[][%Pressure]
using the menus. I wish there was a possibility to access wave subranges in the Curve Fitting menu, too; simply because I have a hard time to remember expressions like:
FuncFit/NTHR=0/H="1000" myFitFunc W_coef w[][%T] /X=w[][%P] /D/I=1/W=w[][%error]
John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
December 6, 2016 at 11:25 am - Permalink
Just as an idea (you probably thought about it already): The "Set as f(x)" and "Error bars" options on the "Modify Trace Appearance" menu use a "Subrange" button and a separate window. Something similar might be an option.
I have attached an image how I personally could envisage a possibility (not considering weighting and possibly masking waves), but yes, the menu doesn't get less complex, although I don't think it's terrible ;-)
December 7, 2016 at 06:58 am - Permalink
I have entered a ticket for the enhancement. I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you :) Mostly likely not for Igor 8.
John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
December 7, 2016 at 01:09 pm - Permalink
Thanks for considering it, I'll be patient!
December 8, 2016 at 06:32 am - Permalink