Load csv file with datetime wave

Hi all, I am very new to IGOR. Please forgive me to ask such a simple question. I am trying to load csv file with datetime (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm), numeric and text waves, but the datetime wave does not show anything, I see just empty wave. What I did is: Load wave-> Load delimited text -> .. choose format of date and time for the issue wave. Since searching in igor exhange forums for two days, I have not find a proper solution yet. Someone can look through my data file and provide a solution? Thank you for any suggestion. ToIGORExchange.csv
Hi, I got it to import by using custom date format for the importing. Go to tweaks and then choose date format other and select Year-Month-Day. Andy
Instead of Load Waves->Load Delimited text, use Load Waves->Load Waves to see all available options. Choose Delimited Text from the popup menu. Click the Tweaks button to set the date format. For details, execute:
DisplayHelpTopic "Loading Delimited Text Files"
and read through the section entitled "Date/Time Formats".
hegedus wrote:
Hi, I got it to import by using custom date format for the importing. Go to tweaks and then choose date format other and select Year-Month-Day. Andy
Thanks, Hegedus. Great, it works! :) Much appreciated.

I also have a similar problem. In my case, I got the output data from one igor program which contains detailed date/time and other output parameters, written on a delimited text file.

Now, I open another igor program where I load the delimited text file, and choose the columns which are date/time as date and time, but after loading I end up empty waves for date/time.

I believe when I saved the date/time in delimted text file, igor changed it to seconds, but when I load it back, it doesn't recognizes that even after telling it that its date/time. 

I also tried to load the delimited text file onto excel, but excel somehow doesn't recognize the seconds format. Even after changing to custom number formats, it fails to return anything with just ##################.

Could anybody suggest a solution or way around for it? I tried the above mentioned methods, but they don't seem to work.

In reply to by pratapv397

Now, I open another igor program where I load the delimited text file, and choose the columns which are date/time as date and time, but after loading I end up empty waves for date/time.

Execute this to read about how LoadWave treats Date/Time data:

DisplayHelpTopic "Date/Time Formats"

Use Data->Load Waves->Load Waves to see all of the available options. Click the Tweaks button to tell LoadWave the format of your date/time data.

If that does not lead to enlightenment, attach a zipped copy of your data file, and post the command you are using to load it. Also specify what version of Igor you are using and on what platform.