Clone Window

Function CloneWindow([win,replace,with,freeze]) String win // Name of the window to clone. String replace,with // Replace some string in the windows recreation macro with another string. Variable freeze // Make a frozen clone (basically just a picture). if(ParamIsDefault(replace) || ParamIsDefault(with)) replace=""; with="" endif if(ParamIsDefault(win)) win=WinName(0,1) endif String win_rec=WinRecreation(win,0) Variable i for(i=0;i<ItemsInList(replace);i+=1) String one_replace=StringFromList(i,replace) String one_with=StringFromList(i,with) win_rec=ReplaceString(one_replace,win_rec,one_with) endfor if(freeze) Struct rect coords GetWinCoords(win,coords) SavePICT /WIN=$win as "Clipboard" String newName=UniqueName(win,6,0) LoadPICT /O/Q "Clipboard",$newName Display /N=$newName /W=(coords.left,coords.top,coords.right,coords.bottom) DrawPICT /W=$newName 0,0,1,1,$newName else Execute /Q win_rec endif End
CloneWindow, but replace all the traces with copies and puts those copies in one data folder. Data is not shared between the original and the clone.
Function CloneWindow2([win,name,times]) String win String name // The new name for the window and data folder. Variable times // The number of clones to make. Clones beyond the first will have _2, _3, etc. appended to their names. if(ParamIsDefault(win)) win=WinName(0,1) endif if(ParamIsDefault(name)) name=UniqueName2(win,"6;11") else name=CleanupName(name,0) endif times=ParamIsDefault(times) ? 1 : times String curr_folder=GetDataFolder(1) NewDataFolder /O/S root:$name String traces=TraceNameList(win,";",3) Variable i,j for(i=0;i<ItemsInList(traces);i+=1) String trace=StringFromList(i,traces) Wave TraceWave=TraceNameToWaveRef(win,trace) Wave /Z TraceXWave=XWaveRefFromTrace(win,trace) Duplicate /o TraceWave $NameOfWave(TraceWave) if(waveexists(TraceXWave)) Duplicate /o TraceXWave $NameOfWave(TraceXWave) endif endfor String win_rec=WinRecreation(win,0) // Copy error bars if they exist. Won't work with subrange display syntax. for(i=0;i<ItemsInList(win_rec,"\r");i+=1) String line=StringFromList(i,win_rec,"\r") if(StringMatch(line,"*ErrorBars*")) String errorbar_names sscanf line,"%*[^=]=(%[^)])",errorbar_names for(j=0;j<2;j+=1) String errorbar_path=StringFromList(j,errorbar_names,",") sscanf errorbar_path,"%[^[])",errorbar_path String errorbar_name=StringFromList(ItemsInList(errorbar_path,":")-1,errorbar_path,":") Duplicate /o $("root"+errorbar_path) $errorbar_name endfor endif endfor for(i=1;i<=times;i+=1) Execute /Q win_rec if(i==1) DoWindow /C $name else DoWindow /C $(name+"_"+num2str(i)) endif ReplaceWave allInCDF endfor SetDataFolder $curr_folder End



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Duplicate /o $("root:"...
Any thoughts on this? Thanks!
February 3, 2012 at 08:50 am - Permalink
October 13, 2016 at 11:41 am - Permalink
CloneWindow2 code is now failing for me. This line:
does not work on a graph I have where the line is: "ErrorBars/T=0/L=0 r_TCP_710C_2min_0006_C Y,wave=(:WAXS:TCP_710C_2min_0006_C:s_TCP_710C_2min_0006_C,:WAXS:TCP_710C_2min_0006_C:s_TCP_710C_2min_0006_C)". errorbar_names is empty string after that line.
This is Igor 8.04. I think the problem are my parameters to Errorbars : /T=0/L=0. Can the syntax be changed to look for the content after the last "=" sign and skip the previous ones, if any are present?
May 8, 2020 at 09:59 am - Permalink
I think I fixed it, not sure if this will work always, but here is small code change which seems to work for me now:
Note, I added SplitString which splits the "line" at first "," to remove ErrorBars with flags (which may contain additional "=").
Also, I needed to remove the ":" from "root" in the Duplicate command.
May 8, 2020 at 11:29 am - Permalink