Trying to load files from a folder

I am new to IGOR and trying to create a procedure to lad all csv files from a folder. The files all have two columns and I want them to be plotted. I have attached the code I have but the problem I'm facing is that the code only uploads two waves wave0 and wave1 and not all the files from the folder.

#pragma rtGlobals=3 // Use modern global access method and strict wave access.

// Get the folder path.

Menu Reactor;

Load Reactor, LoadDataFromCSV()


Function LoadDataFromCSV()

string folderPath

string fname

string wname

string sname

variable i


newpath/O GCFolderData S_path

string fileList= indexedfile(GCFolderData,-1,".csv")


//store the ith name in the list into wname.

fname = stringfromlist(i,fileList)

//!!!!!!!!!! change the next line if you want a different name for the waves that are created !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wname = fname

sname = stringfromlist(i,filelist)

wave wave0 = $wname

wave wave1 = $sname

//if the referenced wave does not exist, create it.

if (!waveexists(wave0)&!waveexists(wave1))

//The /L parameter tells IGOR to load no headers, and to load the 3rd column of data (indexed as 2) only

//!!!!!!!! You must change this next line to tell IGOR how to load the data in each file !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LoadWave/J/N=wave/P=GCFolderData/O/L={0,0,0,0,0} stringfromlist(i,filelist)

LoadWave/J/N=wave/P=GCFolderData/O/L={0,0,0,1,0} stringfromlist(i,filelist)

print "Loaded "+fname

rename wave0 $wname

rename wave1 $sname


print fname+" was previously loaded. Its corresponding wave exists."


i += 1 //move to next file

while(i<itemsinlist(filelist)) //end when all files are processed.




proceduretest.ipf (2.02 KB)

Execute this Igor command to see a help topic that might help with the "all the files" part of the problem: DisplayHelpTopic "Loading All of the Files in a Folder"

Then add to it the graphing part of the problem. You may wish to examine other examples within that help file.


Menu Reactor;

Load Reactor, LoadDataFromCSV()


Here you need quotes around the strings

fname = stringfromlist(i,fileList)

// - snip -

wname = fname

sname = stringfromlist(i,filelist)

in these lines you set fname, wname and sname to the same value.

if (!waveexists(wave0)&!waveexists(wave1))

& is a bitwise operator. In this instance it will work, but better to use && where you mean logical AND.

wave wave0 = $wname

if there is a chance the wave does not exist, use wave/Z

LoadWave/J/N=wave/P=GCFolderData/O/L={0,0,0,0,0} stringfromlist(i,filelist)

LoadWave/J/N=wave/P=GCFolderData/O/L={0,0,0,1,0} stringfromlist(i,filelist)

print "Loaded "+fname

rename wave0 $wname

rename wave1 $sname

Here you use the /N=basename and the /O (overwrite) flag. Consider instead using the /A flag and extracting the wavename from S_waveNames in order to build your rename operation.

I suggest:

LoadWave/J/A/P=GCFolderData/L={0,0,0,0,2} stringfromlist(i,filelist) // load two columns into two waves

// check for success here

rename $StringFromList(0, s_wavenames) $wname
rename $StringFromList(1, s_wavenames) $sname

There may be other errors, these are what caught my eye.

Don't be afraid to experiment with the debugger early in your programming adventures!

execute DisplayHelpTopic "The Debugger"