Geocoding with Google Maps and Igor

Below is a simple function that requires the easyHttp XOP to geocode a list of addresses.
Using Igor and exporting the geocoded data to XML, I created a Google maps web page for my postal history collection (link here).
// Function Uses Google maps to return latitude and longitude of an address // Requires: easyHttp XOP // Geoff Dutton March 5, 2009 Function GeocodeWithGoogle( ) Make /o/n=6 lat = 0, long = 0 Make /o/n=6 /T city, state city = {"Denver", "Los Angels", "Boise", "Pensacola", "Dallas", "1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington"} state = {"Colorado", "California", "Idaho", "Florida", "Texas", "DC"} String Win = "Geocode" Dowindow /K $Win Edit city, state, lat, long Dowindow /C $Win DoUpdate String url, GmapOutput Variable i for (i=0; i<numpnts(lat); i+=1 ) // only Geocode if lat = 0 if ( lat[i] == 0 ) // build a URL for Google maps Sprintf url, "http://maps.google.com/maps/geo?q=%s,%s&output=csv", city[i], state[i] // replace spaces in URL with unicode url = ReplaceString(" ", url, "%20") // use easyHttp to contact Google maps, Google maps returns lat, long encoded text easyHttp url GmapOutput = S_getHttp // create a list from returned Google text GmapOutput = ReplaceString(",", GmapOutput, ";") // Google returns 200 if address was found if ( str2num(StringFromList( 0, GmapOutput)) == 200 ) lat[i] = str2num(StringFromList(2, GmapOutput)) long[i] = str2num(StringFromList(3, GmapOutput)) Printf "%s, %s is located at %.5f, %.5f\r", city[i], state[i], lat[i], long[i] else Print "ERR: " + city[1] + ", " + state[2] endif // slow down a little (for googles' servers) DoUpdate Sleep /T 1/10 endif endfor end



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A couple of other things could be done here, but they are all gilding the lily. There is also an XOP on this site called base64, amongst other things this does URLencoding.
You could do:
Also, easyHttp can put the output directly into strings, instead of creating S_getHttp. For example:
March 5, 2009 at 01:08 pm - Permalink
I was thinking a little bit more about this. First of all there are a couple of utilities on this site to deal with XML, one of them is the XMLutils XOP. Secondly I was musing on how to use an IGOR function to get a map of your locality. One way would be to use the snippet you wrote to get a lat and long from an entered address. Then one could use that lat and long to get an exported PNG map from www.openstreetmap.com (I haven't worked out how to do the same with google maps). This could then be displayed in IGOR.
March 6, 2009 at 09:07 pm - Permalink