Recall the sheet name from excel

There is a excel file with multiple number of randomly named sheets.
I may need to recall the name of each sheet to load the data in the sheets.
Is there any way to recall the names to get the data inside?

IIRC you can use XLLoadWave/J=1 to get a list of the sheet names in the string S_value then load each one individually.
Here is an example cut from a larger procedure file.

// This function will load the tracking data from an Excel Workbook
/// @param pref prefix for excel workbook e.g. "ctrl_"
Function LoadMigration(pref)
    String pref
    String sheet, prefix, wList
    Variable i
    Variable moviemax = ItemsInList(S_value)
    NewPath/O/Q path1, S_path
    for(i = 0; i < moviemax; i += 1)
        sheet = StringFromList(i,S_Value)
        prefix = pref + num2str(i)
        XLLoadWave/S=sheet/R=(A1,H1000)/O/K=0/N=$prefix/P=path1 S_fileName
        wList = wavelist(prefix + "*",";","")   // make matrices
        Concatenate/O/KILL wList, $prefix
    Print "***\r  Condition", pref, "was loaded from", S_path,"\r  ***"