Surfer 7 Grid file format

I need to load (image) data files that are saved in the Surfer 7 Grid format. The file is binary and contains different sections (e.g. header, grid info and data). The format is well documented,…

and I managed to put a simple loader together:

Function GRDLoader(filepath)
    string filepath
    Variable refNum
    Open/R/F="GRID Files (*.grd):.grd;" refNum as filepath
    if (refNum == 0)
        return -1      
    // extract file name from path as wave name
    String wName = ParseFilePath(3, S_FileName, ":", 0, 0)
    // pre-define byte positions of grid info section and data
    variable GridInfoStartByte = 20
    variable DataStartByte = 100
    // load GRID info section, first two enties are "long",
    // rows and columns of grid/image
    Make/I/O/N=2/FREE W_RowsCols
    FSetPos refNum, GridInfoStartByte
    FBinRead/B=3 refNum, W_RowsCols
    // load rest of the grid info section as double
    Make/D/O/N=8/FREE W_Scaling
    FSetPos refnum, GridInfoStartByte+8
    FBinRead/B=3 refNum, W_Scaling
    // load DATA section
    Make/O/N=(W_rowsCols[0] * W_rowsCols[1])/D $wName /Wave = M_Data
    FSetPos refNum, DataStartByte
    FBinRead/B=3 refNum, M_Data
    // redimension to matrix (note that cols and rows are swapped for propper display)
    Redimension/N=(W_rowsCols[1],W_rowsCols[0]) M_Data
    // ... more code to set wave scaling
    Close refNum
    return 0

However, at the moment the start byte positions of the different section are hardcoded and were identified using the binary file reader ( This works for all files I have encountered so far but a more versatile solution is preferred. The sections seem to be tagged by hex values, but I was unable to identify those in the binary files (an example file is attached). 

Any hint to what I'm missing is highly appreciated!


Christian (794.65 KB)

This is not the cleanest code, but may give you a start (sorry - I have not had a chance to check it with your file yet):

Function GRDLoader(filepath)
    string filepath
    Variable vRefNum
    Open/R/F="GRID Files (*.grd):.grd;" vRefNum as filepath
    if (vRefNum == 0)
        return -1      
    // extract file name from path as wave name
    String wName = ParseFilePath(3, S_FileName, ":", 0, 0)
    // check for minimum length
    FStatus vRefNum
    variable vFileLength=V_logEOF
        print "Error: not a GRD file."
        Close vRefNum
        return -1
    // Intel/Windows little endian
    variable vByteOrder=3
    string sID
    variable vLength
    variable vError = 0
        // read tag: ID then length
        sID = "    " // 4 characters
        FBinRead vRefNum, sID // 4-character ID
        FBinRead/U/B=(vByteOrder)/F=3 vRefNum, vLength // 32-bit word - length
        strswitch (sID)
            case "DSRB": // 0x42525344  - Header
                variable vVersion
                FBinRead/U/B=(vByteOrder)/F=3 vRefNum, vVersion
                Print "GRD File Version Number: " + num2str(vVersion)
            case "GRID": // 0x44495247 - GRID
                // load GRID info section, first two enties are "long",
                // rows and columns of grid/image
                Make/I/O/N=2/FREE W_RowsCols
                FBinRead/B=3 vRefNum, W_RowsCols
                // load rest of the grid info section as double
                Make/D/O/N=8/FREE W_Scaling
                FBinRead/B=3 vRefNum, W_Scaling
            case "DATA": // 0x41544144 - Data
                // load DATA section
                Make/O/N=(W_rowsCols[0] * W_rowsCols[1])/D $wName /Wave = M_Data
                FBinRead/B=3 vRefNum, M_Data
                // redimension to matrix (note that cols and rows are swapped for propper display)
                Redimension/N=(W_rowsCols[1],W_rowsCols[0]) M_Data
                // ... more code to set wave scaling
            case "FLTI": // 0x49544c46 - Fault Information
                // .. code to read fault info section
                print "Error: Unknown tag."
                vError = -1
        if (vError != 0)
        // ... code to check end of file
        FStatus vRefNum
        if (V_filePos >= V_logEOF)
    Close vRefNum
    return vError

Hope this helps,


Hi Kurt,

thanks a lot! Much appreciated!

The obvious never occurred to me that hex is converted to characters (or vice versa), even though I could spot it in the binary reader snippet, however, it seems that I looked at the hex values in the wrong byte order. I also understand now better how FBinRead works!

Thanks again!



You are very welcome.

I took inspiration from a TIFF reader that I posted previously here.

