SpAcAn: Spontaneous Activity Analysis

SpAcAn (Spontaneous Activity Analysis) is a collection if IGOR Pro functions for the detection and analysis of spontaneously occuring (non-triggered) events in electrophysiological recordings. SpAcAn was originally designed to facilitate the analysis of spontaneous synaptic activity in whole-cell recordings, but has also been used successfully to detect and analyze spikes or rapid changes in fluorescence.


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Current Project Release

SpAcAn: Spontaneous Activity Analysis IGOR.5.05.x-1.06

Release File: (108.96 KB)
Version: IGOR.5.05.x-1.06
Version Date:
Version Major: 1
Version Patch Level: 6
OS Compatibility: Windows
Release Notes: This version fixes the following bug: the calculation of the 20-80% rise time was failing when the event rise time was one point only (which happens for example when detecting recorded trigger signals such as TTLs).
Now a separate calculation of RT20 and RT80 is performed when a one point transition accounts for more than 99% of the event amplitude.
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