User interface for naming and storing a wave

A little modal dialog to ask the user where to store a wave. Copy the code into a new procedure window and execute the following:
make foo SaveWave#SaveWaveUI(foo)
#pragma rtGlobals=3 #pragma ModuleName=SaveWave #pragma version = 1.21 static function/WAVE SaveWaveUI(wave w, [string basename, int overwrite]) overwrite = ParamIsDefault(overwrite) ? 1 : overwrite // default is to allow user to overwrite a wave if (ParamIsDefault(basename)) basename = NameOfWave(w) if (cmpstr(basename, "_free_") == 0) basename = "wave" endif endif DoWindow/K SaveWaveDialog GetMouse variable left, top, right, bottom left = pixel2cpu(V_left) - 50 top = pixel2cpu(V_top) - 50 right = left + 220 bottom = top + 150 NewPanel/K=1/W=(left,top,right,bottom)/N=SaveWaveDialog as "Save Wave" SetVariable svName,pos={25,20},size={157,14},title="Wave Name", userdata(base) = basename SetVariable svName,value=_STR:UniqueName(basename, 1, 0), fsize=12, Proc=SaveWave#SaveWaveSetVars PopupMenu popFolder,pos={25,50},size={157,14},title="Data Folder", fsize=12 PopupMenu popFolder,value=#"GetDataFolder(0)", userdata(folder)=GetDataFolder(1), Proc=SaveWave#SaveWavePopups Button btnCancel,pos={40,100},size={55,20},title="Cancel", Proc=SaveWave#SaveWaveButtons Button btnDoIt,pos={130,100},size={50,20},title="Do It", Proc=SaveWave#SaveWaveButtons, userdata=num2str(overwrite) PauseForUser SaveWaveDialog wave/Z/WAVE w_savewave if (WaveExists(w_savewave)) wave/Z saved = w_savewave[0] string strPathToNewWave = GetWavesDataFolder(saved, 2) KillWaves/Z saved Duplicate/O w $strPathToNewWave /wave=saved KillWaves w_savewave return saved endif return $"" end static function SaveWavePopups(STRUCT WMPopupAction &s) : PopupMenuControl if (s.eventCode != 3) return 0 endif string strFolder = StringFromList(0, SelectFolder(s.popStr)) if (strlen(strFolder)) PopupMenu popFolder, win=$s.win, userdata(folder)=strFolder PopupMenu popFolder, win=$s.win, value=#"SaveWave#GetSelectedFolder(0)" endif CheckNameSetvar() return 0 end static function SaveWaveButtons(STRUCT WMButtonAction &s) : ButtonControl if (s.eventcode != 2) return 0 endif strswitch (s.ctrlName) case "btnDoIt": int overwrite = str2num(s.userdata) ControlInfo/W=$s.win svName if (!overwrite && exists(GetSelectedFolder(1)+PossiblyQuoteName(s_value))) DoAlert 0, s_value + " exists." return 0 endif KillWaves/Z $GetSelectedFolder(1)+PossiblyQuoteName(s_value) wave/Z w = $GetSelectedFolder(1)+PossiblyQuoteName(s_value) if (WaveExists(w)) DoAlert 0, s_value + " exists and is in use, cannot overwrite." return 0 endif Make/O/N=0 $GetSelectedFolder(1)+PossiblyQuoteName(s_value) /wave=w Make/O/WAVE w_savewave = {w} case "btnCancel" : // Cancel or Do It DoWindow/K $s.win break endswitch return 0 end static function SaveWaveSetVars(STRUCT WMSetVariableAction &s) if (s.eventCode < 0) // excludes Igor8 eventcodes -2 and -3 return 0 endif if (cmpstr(s.ctrlName, "svName") == 0) CheckNameSetvar() endif return 0 end static function CheckNameSetvar() ControlInfo/W=SaveWaveDialog svName if (strlen(S_Value) == 0) S_Value = UniqueName(GetUserData("SaveWaveDialog", "svName", "base"), 1, 0) SetVariable svName win=SaveWaveDialog, value=_STR:S_Value endif if (exists(GetSelectedFolder(1) + S_Value)) SetVariable svName win=SaveWaveDialog, valueBackColor=(0xFFFF,0,0) else SetVariable svName win=SaveWaveDialog, valueBackColor=0 endif end static function/T GetSelectedFolder(int fullpath) string strFolder = GetUserData("SaveWaveDialog", "popFolder", "folder") return SelectString(fullpath, ParseFilePath(0, strFolder, ":", 1, 0), strFolder) end static function/T SelectFolder(string selection) CreateBrowser/M Prompt="Select Data Folder" ModifyBrowser/M showWaves=0, showVars=0, showStrs=0 ModifyBrowser/M ShowInfo=0, showPlot=0 ModifyBrowser/M select=selection ModifyBrowser/M showModalBrowser if (V_Flag == 0) return "" // User cancelled endif return S_BrowserList end static function pixel2cpu(variable pixel, [string win]) variable expansion = ParamIsDefault(win) ? 1 : PanelResolution(win)/PanelResolution("") return (ScreenResolution > 96 ? pixel * 72 / ScreenResolution : pixel) / expansion end



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I gave this a quick test and found that if the "Data Folder" popup menu is clicked, the Data Browser opens. After selecting a folder and clicking "Ok", the browsers closes and immediately opens a second time. Clicking "Ok" a second time the wave is saved in the selected directory.
This is with a couple of directories existing in the root directory. IP9.03B01 on Win10.
September 5, 2023 at 01:52 pm - Permalink
Ah, I see.
The intention was to allow either mouse or keyboard input. In testing on mac it worked OK, except that I cannot use tab to cycle through the controls in the panel, so keyboard input doesn't work. In Windows, on the other hand, a mouse click produces both 'hovering' and 'control received keyboard focus' events, resulting in the double-modal-browser behaviour. I've fixed it by ignoring the 'control received keyboard focus' event.
I used a popup control because it provides a visual indication that it should be clicked to select. A button could also be used for the same purpose, it would look a bit like the built-in make waves dialog.
September 6, 2023 at 02:49 am - Permalink
The WaveSelectorWidget and HierarchicalListWidget use a button with a downward-pointing trace marker as the menu indicator, like this: \\JR(no selection) \\W623. The \\W623 is the marker, and \\JR is for right-justification so the marker is at the right edge of the button.
To get the full tab navigation on a Mac, in the Keyboard settings, Shortcuts tab, turn on the All Control radio button under the Full keyboard access title near the bottom. At least on OS 10.14 :)
September 6, 2023 at 10:51 am - Permalink
No more Doppel-browser - it opens only once now.
I was looking into creating the modal browser with the "New Data Folder" button intact (Because I would forget to create a new folder before invoking your function.), but that doesn't seem possible. Or am I missing something?
September 7, 2023 at 12:11 pm - Permalink
I have updated the snippet with a new version that works with free waves. This means that you can provide the user with a free wave and the user saves a copy of the wave with a name/location of their choice in the current experiment. I couldn't find a simple way to allow the user to create a new data folder as part of the dialog.
May 6, 2024 at 02:41 am - Permalink