Listbox Drag & Drop

For 'default' appearance listboxes, this seems to work.
#pragma TextEncoding="UTF-8" #pragma rtGlobals=3 #pragma version=1.70 constant kJitter = 3 // pixels menu "Macros" "Drag and Drop Demo" end function DragAndDropDemo() KillWindow/Z demo Make/O/T LB1ListWave = {"cat","dog","rabbit","horse","pig","cow"} Make/O/T LB2ListWave = {"blue","green","red","yellow","orange","pink"} redimension/N=(-1,1) LB2ListWave SetDimLabel 1, 0, Title, LB2ListWave Make/O/N=6 LB1SelWave = 0, LB2SelWave = 0 NewPanel/K=1/N=demo/W=(100,100,400,350) as "drag & drop demo" ListBox LB1, win=demo, pos={10, 40}, size={130, 200}, listwave=LB1ListWave ListBox LB1, win=demo, selwave=LB1SelWave, mode=9, focusring=0 ListBox LB1, win=demo, fsize=16, Proc=ListBoxProc ListBox LB2, win=demo, pos={160, 40}, size={130, 200}, listwave=LB2ListWave ListBox LB2, win=demo, selwave=LB2SelWave, mode=9, focusring=0 ListBox LB2, win=demo, fsize=9, Proc=ListBoxProc PopupMenu DragPop, win=demo, pos={10, 10}, value="Drag Between Boxes;Drag to Reorder;", Proc=PopupDragType end function PopupDragType(STRUCT WMPopupAction &s) // mode 1 for reordering, mode 9 for drag between boxes ListBox LB1, win=$s.win, selRow=-1, mode=(s.popNum==1) ? 9 : 1 ListBox LB2, win=$s.win, selRow=-1, mode=(s.popNum==1) ? 9 : 1 end function ListBoxProc(STRUCT WMListboxAction &lba) ControlInfo/W=$lba.win DragPop if (V_Value == 1) DragAndDrop(lba) else DragReorder(lba) endif end function DragAndDrop(STRUCT WMListboxAction &lba) if (!(lba.eventCode & 3)) // neither mouseup nor mousedown return 0 endif variable f = 72/PanelResolution(lba.win) // point/pixel int dragStarted = strlen(GetUserData(lba.win, lba.ctrlName, "drag")) string otherListBox = SelectString(cmpstr(lba.ctrlName, "LB1")==0, "LB1", "LB2") if (lba.eventCode==2 && dragStarted) // mouseup, drag completed // find whether mouse is within OTHER listbox if (isInControl(lba.mouseLoc, lba.win, otherListBox)) ControlInfo/W=$lba.win $otherListBox variable beforeItem = round(V_startRow + (lba.mouseLoc.v-V_top/f)/V_rowHeight) wave/SDFR=$S_DataFolder otherListBoxWave=$S_Value beforeItem = limit(beforeItem, 0, numpnts(otherListBoxWave)) MoveSelection(otherListBox, lba.selwave, lba.listwave, beforeItem) endif ListBox $lba.ctrlName, win=$lba.win, userdata(drag)="" endif if (lba.eventCode==1 && dragStarted==0) // mousedown, new drag if ( lba.row < 0 || lba.row >= (DimSize(lba.listWave, 0)) ) return 0 endif // prevent a single click on an already selected item from deselecting items // unless it's a command-click or shift-click // resetting lba.selwave in the selection event doesn't have the desired effect. wave/Z sel = $lba.ctrlName if (lba.eventmod<2 && waveexists(sel) && (numpnts(sel)==numpnts(lba.selwave)) && (sel[lba.row] & 9)) duplicate/O sel lba.selwave else duplicate/O lba.selwave $lba.ctrlName endif // don't start drag until the mouse has moved sufficiently far variable dx, dy, buttondown do GetMouse/W=$lba.win buttondown = V_flag & 1 dx = v_left - lba.mouseLoc.h // pixels dy = v_top - lba.mouseLoc.v // pixels while (buttondown && sqrt(dx^2+dy^2)<kJitter) if (!buttondown) return 0 endif variable i, titlerow, startrow, endrow, numBoxes, mode, fontSize // figure out visible rows titlerow = (waveexists(lba.titlewave) || strlen(getdimlabel(lba.listwave, 1, 0))>0) ControlInfo/W=$lba.win $lba.ctrlName startrow = V_startRow endrow = min(numpnts(lba.selwave)-1, startrow + ceil((V_height/f/V_rowHeight)-1.1-titlerow)) // record current value of mode & fsize string strMode, strFsize SplitString/E=("mode=\s?([[:digit:]]+)") S_recreation, strMode mode = strlen(strMode) ? str2num(strMode) : 1 SplitString/E=("fSize=\s?([[:digit:]]+)") S_recreation, strFsize fontSize = strlen(strFsize) ? str2num(strFsize) : 9 // stops cell selection as mouse moves by setting mode=0 ListBox $lba.ctrlName, win=$lba.win, userdata(drag)="started", mode=0 // userdata(drag) indicates dragging is active, cleared on mouseup // create a titlebox for every visible selected item numBoxes = 0 string DBname, strTitle variable height, width, top , left for (i=startrow;i<=endrow;i++) if (lba.selwave[i] & 0x09) wave/T listwave=lba.listWave DBname = "DragBox" + num2str(numBoxes) height = f * (V_rowHeight - 1) width = f * (lba.ctrlRect.right - lba.ctrlRect.left) top = f * (lba.ctrlRect.top + (i - startrow + titlerow)*V_rowHeight + 1.5) left = f * lba.ctrlRect.left sprintf strTitle, "\\sa%+03d\\x%+03d %s", 3-(fontSize>12), (20-fontSize)*0.625, listwave[i] TitleBox $DBname, win=$lba.win, title=strTitle, labelBack=(41760,52715,65482), pos={left, top} TitleBox $DBname, win=$lba.win, fsize=fontSize, fixedSize=1, frame=0, size={width, height} numBoxes ++ endif endfor // save coordinates of other listbox ControlInfo/W=$lba.win $otherListBox struct rect pixelRect pixelRect.left = v_left/f // point -> pixel pixelRect.right = v_right/f pixelRect.top = v_top/f pixelRect.bottom = pixelRect.top + v_height/f // monitor mouse movement until mouseup do GetMouse/W=$lba.win buttondown = V_flag & 1 dx = v_left - lba.mouseLoc.h // pixels dy = v_top - lba.mouseLoc.v // pixels // keep current mouse position updated as mouse moves lba.mouseLoc.h = v_left lba.mouseLoc.v = v_top // move titleboxes with mouse for (i=0; i<numBoxes; i++) TitleBox/Z $"DragBox"+num2str(i), win=$lba.win, pos+={dx,dy} endfor // draw focus ring when mouse is over other listbox if (PointInRect(lba.mouseLoc, pixelRect)) // all units are pixels ListBox $otherListBox, win=$lba.win, focusRing=1 ModifyControl $otherListBox activate else ModifyControl $lba.ctrlName activate endif DoUpdate/W=$lba.win while (buttondown) // this is blocking code :( // clear titleboxes and return listboxes to normal mode for (i=0; i<numBoxes; i++) KillControl/W=$lba.win $"DragBox"+num2str(i) endfor ListBox $otherListBox, win=$lba.win, focusRing=0 ListBox $lba.ctrlName, win=$lba.win, mode=mode ModifyControl $lba.ctrlName activate endif // end of drag return 0 end // point and rect structures must have same units function PointInRect(STRUCT point &pnt, STRUCT rect &r) return (pnt.h>r.left && pnt.h<r.right && pnt.v>r.top && pnt.v<r.bottom) end function isInControl(STRUCT point &mouse, string strWin, string strCtrl) ControlInfo/W=$strWin $strCtrl variable f = 72/PanelResolution(strWin) variable hpoint = mouse.h * f variable vpoint = mouse.v * f return ( hpoint>V_left && hpoint<(V_right) && vpoint>V_top && vpoint<(V_top+V_height) ) end function MoveSelection(string toLB, wave selwave, wave/T listwave, variable beforeItem) Extract/free/T listwave, switchwave, (selwave & 0x09) Extract/O/T listwave, listwave, !(selwave & 0x09) Extract/O selwave, selwave, !(selwave & 0x09) wave destSelWave = $toLB + "SelWave" wave/T destListWave = $toLB + "ListWave" destSelWave = 0 variable numItems = numpnts(switchwave) InsertPoints beforeItem, numItems, destSelWave, destListWave destSelWave[beforeItem, beforeItem+numItems-1] = 1 destListWave[beforeItem, beforeItem+numItems-1] = switchwave[p-beforeItem] // save new selection for modified selection behaviour Duplicate/O destSelWave $toLB end function DragReorder(STRUCT WMListboxAction &lba) if (lba.eventCode == 2) // mouseup ListBox $lba.ctrlName, win=$lba.win, userdata(drag)="" endif if (lba.eventCode == 1) // mousedown ListBox $lba.ctrlName, win=$lba.win, userdata(drag)=num2str(lba.row) //userdata(drag) indicates dragging is active, cleared on mouseup endif if (lba.eventCode == 4) // selection of lba.row variable dragNum = str2num(GetUserData(lba.win,lba.ctrlName,"drag")) if(numtype(dragNum)!=0 || min(dragNum,lba.row)<0 || max(dragNum,lba.row)>=numpnts(lba.listwave)) return 0 endif Duplicate/free lba.selwave order order = (p == dragNum) ? lba.row - 0.5 + (lba.row > dragNum) : x Sort order, lba.listwave ListBox $lba.ctrlName, win=$lba.win, userdata(drag)=num2str(lba.row) endif end



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Wow! A real tour-de-force of tricky Igor programming, Tony! Using a titlebox as the drag picture is very clever.
July 31, 2020 at 09:37 am - Permalink
Thanks, John.
I edited the snippet to draw a focus ring when mouse is over receiving listbox.
To add click-and-drag reordering to your own code, you need only the DragReorder() function. Create a listbox with mode=1 and add DragReorder(lba) to the listbox control function.
August 3, 2020 at 04:32 am - Permalink
Very cool!
August 3, 2020 at 10:13 am - Permalink
Edit: v. 1.4, simplified reordering code
August 5, 2020 at 12:43 am - Permalink
Edit: v. 1.6 compatible with Igor 9 style control panel expansion
July 18, 2021 at 02:29 am - Permalink
I found a new use-case for a drag & drop between listboxes GUI. In the process of adapting this code snippet I fixed a couple of annoyances. The edited version is posted here as version 1.7. Unfortunately this is still blocking code. A non-blocking version should be possible, but would require a fair bit of reworking.
April 19, 2024 at 04:43 am - Permalink