copy/paste trace formatting

Does this exist somewhere? I had a quick look around and couldn't find it outside of a feature request in the wishlist forum.
#pragma ModuleName=CopyTrace #pragma version=1.11 // if you use the marquee menu to copy trace(s) you can hold option/alt // when clicking "paste traces" to select axes // ------ copy/paste trace formatting --------- menu "TracePopup", dynamic "Copy Trace", /Q, CopyTrace#CopyTrace(0) "Cut Trace", /Q, CopyTrace#CopyTrace(1) SelectString(cmpstr(GetScrapText()[0,5], "YWAVE:")==0, "", "Paste Trace Formatting"), /Q, CopyTrace#PasteTraceFormatting(2) SelectString(cmpstr(GetScrapText()[0,5], "YWAVE:")==0, "", "Paste Trace Offsets"), /Q, CopyTrace#PasteTraceFormatting(1) end menu "GraphPopup", dynamic SelectString(cmpstr(GetScrapText()[0,5], "YWAVE:")==0, "", "Paste Trace"), /Q, CopyTrace#PasteTrace(GetScrapText()) SelectString(cmpstr(GetScrapText()[0,7], "MQtraces")==0, "", "Paste Traces"), /Q, CopyTrace#PasteTraces() end menu "GraphMarquee" "Copy Traces in Marquee", /Q, CopyTrace#CopyTraces() "Remove Traces in Marquee", /Q, CopyTrace#HideOrRemoveMQTraces(0) "Hide Traces in Marquee", /Q, CopyTrace#HideOrRemoveMQTraces(1) submenu "Recolour Traces in Marquee" "*COLORPOP*", /Q, CopyTrace#SetMQTraceColor() end "Copy Marquee Tracenames", /Q, PutScrapText CopyTrace#TracesInMarquee() end static function CopyTrace(int cut) GetLastUserMenuInfo wave/Z w = TraceNameToWaveRef(S_graphName, S_traceName) if (WaveExists(w)==0) return 0 endif string s = "YWAVE:" + GetWavesDataFolder(w,4) + ";" + TraceInfo(S_graphName, S_traceName, 0) PutScrapText s if (cut) RemoveFromGraph/W=$S_graphName/Z $S_traceName endif end static function CopyTraces() string strTraces = TracesInMarquee() GetMarquee/K int i int imax = ItemsInList(strTraces) if (imax == 0) return 0 endif string scrap = "MQtraces\r" string strTrace = "" for (i=0;i<imax;i++) strTrace = StringFromList(i, strTraces) wave/Z w = TraceNameToWaveRef(S_marqueeWin, strTrace) scrap += "YWAVE:" + GetWavesDataFolder(w,4) + ";" + TraceInfo(S_marqueeWin, strTrace, 0) endfor PutScrapText scrap end static function PasteTraces() string scrap = GetScrapText() int start = 0, stop = 0 int replaceAxes = 0 if (GetKeyState(0) & 2) // option/alt // choose axes GetLastUserMenuInfo string axis = "", hAxis = "", vAxis = "", flags = "" string strAxes = AxisList(S_graphName), hList = "bottom;top;", vList = "left;right;", type = "", info = "" int i, isHorizontal Make/D/free/N=3 wAx // free wave to hold axis minimum, maximum, axis value for mouse location for (i=ItemsInList(strAxes);i>=0;i--) axis = StringFromList(i, strAxes) info = AxisInfo(S_graphName, axis) type = StringByKey("AXTYPE", info) isHorizontal = (cmpstr(type, "bottom")==0 || cmpstr(type,"top")==0) isHorizontal = isHorizontal || (cmpstr(type[0,2],"/B=")==0 || cmpstr(type[0,2],"/T=")==0) GetAxis /W=$S_graphName/Q $axis wAx = {v_min, v_max, AxisValFromPixel(S_graphName, axis, isHorizontal ? V_mouseX : V_mouseY)} if (WaveMax(wAx) == wAx[2] || WaveMin(wAx) == wAx[2]) continue endif if (isHorizontal) if (FindListItem(axis, hList) < 0) hList = AddListItem(axis, hList) endif else if (FindListItem(axis, vList) < 0) vList = AddListItem(axis, vList) endif endif endfor Prompt vAxis, "Vertical Axis", Popup, vList Prompt hAxis, "Horizontal Axis", Popup, hList DoPrompt "Select Axes", vAxis, hAxis if (V_flag || cmpstr(vAxis, "_none_") == 0 || cmpstr(hAxis, "_none_") == 0) return 0 endif if (cmpstr(hAxis, "top") == 0) flags += "/T" else info = AxisInfo(S_graphName, vAxis) flags += StringByKey("AXFLAG", info) endif if (cmpstr(vAxis, "right") == 0) flags += "/R" else info = AxisInfo(S_graphName, hAxis) flags += StringByKey("AXFLAG", info) endif replaceAxes = 1 endif string cmd = "" do start = strsearch(scrap, "YWAVE:", stop) if (start<0) return 0 endif stop = strsearch(scrap, "YWAVE:", start + 1) stop = stop<0 ? strlen(scrap) - 1 : stop - 1 cmd = scrap[start,stop] if (replaceAxes) cmd = ReplaceStringByKey("YAXIS", cmd, vAxis) cmd = ReplaceStringByKey("XAXIS", cmd, hAxis) cmd = ReplaceStringByKey("AXISFLAGS", cmd, flags) endif PasteTrace(cmd) while(1) end static function PasteTrace(string info) string s = "", cmd = "AppendToGraph"//, info = GetScrapText() cmd += StringByKey("AXISFLAGS", info, ":", ";") + " " cmd += StringByKey("YWAVE", info, ":", ";") + StringByKey("YRANGE", info, ":", ";") s = StringByKey("XWAVE", info, ":", ";") if (strlen(s)) cmd += " vs " + StringByKey("XWAVEDF", info, ":", ";") + s + StringByKey("XRANGE", info, ":", ";") endif Execute cmd s = StringByKey("ERRORBARS", info, ":", ";") if (strlen(s)) Execute s endif // figure out trace name, or trace number s = TraceNameList("",";",1) string tracename = StringFromList(ItemsInList(s)-1, s) // apply formatting s = info[strsearch(info, "RECREATION:", 0) + 11,Inf] int i int numCmd = ItemsInList(s) for (i=0;i<numCmd;i++) cmd = StringFromList(i, s) if (!stringmatch(cmd, "offset(x)=*")) Execute/Q/Z "ModifyGraph "+ReplaceString("(x)", cmd, "("+traceName+")", 0, 1) endif endfor end static function PasteTraceFormatting(int WhichCmds) GetLastUserMenuInfo string s = GetScrapText(), cmd = "" s = s[strsearch(s, "RECREATION:", 0) + 11, Inf] int numCmd = ItemsInList(s) int i for (i=0;i<numCmd;i++) cmd = StringFromList(i, s) if ((WhichCmds&1) && cmpstr(cmd[0,9], "offset(x)=")==0) // bit 0, offsets Execute/Q/Z "ModifyGraph " + ReplaceString("(x)", cmd, "("+S_traceName+")", 0, 1) elseif ((WhichCmds&2) && cmpstr(cmd[0,9], "offset(x)=")) Execute/Q/Z "ModifyGraph " + ReplaceString("(x)", cmd, "("+S_traceName+")", 0, 1) endif endfor end // note that the list will be reverse-ordered, which is useful if you // want to loop over the list to remove or change trace names. static function/S TracesInMarquee() GetMarquee/Z string strWin = S_marqueeWin variable hCentre, vCentre, delX, delY vCentre = (v_top + v_bottom) / 2 hCentre = (v_left + v_right) / 2 delX = abs(v_right - v_left) / 2 delY = abs(v_bottom - v_top) / 2 string outlist = "", inlist = TraceNameList(strWin,";",1+4) // excludes hidden traces string strTrace = "" string strHit = "" string strOptions = "" int i int numTraces = ItemsInList(inlist) for (i=0;i<numTraces;i++) strTrace = StringFromList(i,inlist) sprintf strOptions, "WINDOW:%s;ONLY:%s;DELTAX:%g;DELTAY:%g;", strWin, strTrace, delX, delY strHit = TraceFromPixel(hCentre, vCentre, strOptions) if (strlen(strHit) == 0) continue endif outlist = AddListItem(strTrace, outlist) endfor return outlist end static function SetMQTraceColor() GetLastUserMenuInfo // Sets V_Red, V_Green, V_Blue, V_Alpha, S_value, V_value string strTraces = TracesInMarquee() GetMarquee/Z/K int i, imax imax = ItemsInList(strTraces) for (i=0;i<imax;i++) ModifyGraph rgb($StringFromList(i, strTraces))=(V_Red,V_Green,V_Blue,V_Alpha) endfor end static function HideOrRemoveMQTraces(int hide) string strTraces = TracesInMarquee() GetMarquee/Z/K int i, imax imax = ItemsInList(strTraces) for (i=0;i<imax;i++) if (hide) ModifyGraph hideTrace($StringFromList(i, strTraces))=1 else RemoveFromGraph $StringFromList(i, strTraces) endif endfor end



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See WaveMetrics Procedures:Graph Utility Procs.ipf. Includes CopyTraceSettings(), CopyAxisSettings(), CopyImageSettings() and CopyContourSettings().
Has a number of other useful utilities related to getting characteristics of graphs.
It's pretty old. Probably could use some modern polish.
January 20, 2021 at 09:51 am - Permalink
Tony, what happens if the user changed trace parameters from the command line rather than menu?
January 20, 2021 at 10:11 am - Permalink
In reply to Tony, what happens if the… by s.r.chinn
the trace parameters are read from traceinfo. It doesn't matter how they were set, it's the current properties of the trace that are copied. unless I'm missing something.
January 20, 2021 at 12:22 pm - Permalink
Tony's right- TraceInfo returns the current state of the data structures. Note that it can return stale info in a function because certain things are updated during drawing, a running function suppresses redrawing. If you use ModifyGraph, SetAxis, etc., in a function, call DoUpdate before TraceInfo.
January 20, 2021 at 01:36 pm - Permalink
In reply to Tony, what happens if the… by s.r.chinn
I'm realizing that I should have been more clear about how the snippet is used:
right click on a trace and select 'copy trace formatting', then right click on a different trace and select 'paste trace formatting'.
A more useful version might have options to paste offset settings separately from line/marker/color etc.
January 21, 2021 at 09:28 am - Permalink
In that case, there should be no trouble with stale data.
January 21, 2021 at 09:49 am - Permalink
paste trace formatting, offsets, or the trace itself...
Edit: The most recent version of the code is at the top of this thread
January 25, 2021 at 01:28 pm - Permalink
I have added some marquee menus to allow hiding, removing, copying and pasting groups of traces.
November 23, 2023 at 08:37 am - Permalink