How can you get the General Text load protocol to read the 0th line for a name instead of auto

I am trying to upload a file type that comes from a Hitachi Absorbance spectrophotometer, an example file type will be uploaded below. The General text load protocol works relatively well without any tweaks but still requires the naming of each wave when the file name is already in the 0th line and therefore could be automated. The only problem I'm having is that when I try to assign the 0th line as the name line such as this (the first value is responsible for the name line):
LoadWave/G/D/W/L={0,0,0,0,0} "FilePath:"
the general text load protocol reads the 0 as "Auto" which automatically looks for names in the line above the start of the data lines. Is there any way in which I could get the general text load protocol to actually read "0" instead of auto? Another thought I had was that the starting line is always a set number of lines away from the start of the first data line (36 above). Is there any way to set a name line 36 lines above relative to the data line? Any other suggestions?
Thank you so much!
Can you do it in two steps. First open the file and read the first line to get the name. Then you can run the general text load function with the previously stored name.
July 5, 2022 at 06:58 am - Permalink
In reply to Hi, Can you do it in two… by hegedus
Ooh, that sounds like a promising idea. I'm pretty new to Igor though, what command could I use to read through the file?
July 5, 2022 at 07:09 am - Permalink
In reply to Ooh, that sounds like a… by I'llBeFine
Hi Isaac,
Look at command "FReadline". There is example code for reading all lines of a file that would be very easy to modify to read line 1 only.
July 5, 2022 at 08:08 am - Permalink
I need to look into the behavior of Load General Text with your file as it is not behaving as I expect.
I can load your data using Load Delimited Text like this:
LoadWave/J/D/W/A/O/E=1/L={0,36,0,0,0}/V={"\t, ","",0,1}
The /V flag is necessary to include space in the list of delimters accepted by LoadWave/J. This is needed to get LoadWave/J to recognize line 0 ("##TITLE= Kl_Conc_Dep_10_21June22") as consisting of two wave names.
The last "1" means "Ignore blanks at end of wave" which is necessary because LoadWave/J treats "##END=" as a line of data and thus creates a blank row at the end of the waves.
But /W is not really appropriate because "##TITLE= Kl_Conc_Dep_10_21June22" is not two wave names.
You can load the file as delimited text with specific wave names, using /B instead of /W, like this:
LoadWave/J/D/B="N=XData;N=YData;"/A/O/E=1/L={0,36,0,0,0}/V={"\t, ","",0,1}
The file appears to be a JCAMP file which should be loadable by JCAMPLoadWave. However when I execute this:
It loads only one column into one wave named wave0. I'm not sure why that is happening - possibly the file is not a proper JCAMP file.
Update: I see this in the "Loading JCAMP Files" help topic:
I also see that JCAMPLoadWave has set the X scaling of the output wave appropriately based on the first column of data in the file (i.e., x0=700, dx=-0.5). So JCAMPLoadWave appears to be working correctly.
JCAMPLoadWave uses wave names like wave0 and does not base the wave name on the TITLE field of the file. If you want the wave to be named "Kl_Conc_Dep_10_21June22", then you will need to read the name from the file and rename the wave after loading it. I'll show you how to do this later if time permits.
July 5, 2022 at 01:38 pm - Permalink
In reply to Hi Isaac, Look at… by hegedus
Thanks, I've decided to just write my own upload script from scratch using FReadLine since I don't know how I would combine both the general text loading command and the FReadline command. I'll keep you updated. I would still be interested to know if anyone knows a way to deal with the problem directly and input just a "0" and not have the command read it as "Auto".
Thanks for the help,
July 5, 2022 at 02:21 pm - Permalink
Maybe this is still useful as starting point; this loads ESMA spectrum files (e.g. from SEM-EDS measurements). The spectrum wave is named according to file name. The structure is similar, i.e. header + data, although here it is only spectrum per file. Note that the header is saved as wave note.
If you change the constant DataKey to "*XYDATA*" you should be able to load the first spectrum in your file. Scaling could easily be achieved by extracting values from ##FIRSTX and ##LASTX.
July 6, 2022 at 06:33 am - Permalink
I attempted to solve this using the JCAMPLoadWave operation but JCAMPLoadWave does not work with the file in question.
Igor's JCAMPLoadWave supports version 4.24 of the JCAMP standard which is described at
That spec says:
So version 4.24 does not support multiple spectra in one file. However, your file says that it is version 4.24 (see the JCAMP-DX label on the second line of the file) but it contains six spectra. So it is not really a version 2.4 JCAMP-DX file and Igor's JCAMPLoadWave loads only the first spectrum in the file.
July 6, 2022 at 08:34 pm - Permalink
I then wrote a solution using LoadWave/G and FReadLine. The solution is available at https://www.wavemetrics.com/code-snippet/load-jcamp-file-titles-wave-na…
July 6, 2022 at 08:35 pm - Permalink
In reply to I then wrote a solution… by hrodstein
Thank you so much hrodstein,
That code works really well! I had to add a "/P" to the SetScale command in line 155 ish because it was ignoring the dx value otherwise, but now it works swimmingly.
Super sweet solution and very eye opening to me as a relatively new Igor user who is trying to learn to code.
Edit: I tweaked your code further to accommodate our lab's preferences hrodstein's JCAMP loading procedure but slightly tweaked for our odd lab preferences | Igor Pro by WaveMetrics
Thanks again,
July 8, 2022 at 06:45 am - Permalink
Thanks. I have fixed that.
July 8, 2022 at 10:10 am - Permalink