
User's Content:

Type Title Last Updated
Forum topic Axis Scaling Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Data Points added to Box Plots 11/06/2020 - 10:14
Forum topic Setting Colors of traces and a subset for legend Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Setting the default condition in a dialog panel Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic ImageSave and Dialog box Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Question on setting up a fitting function Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Sorting of WaveSelector Widget output Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Correlating two sets of xy locations Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Getting the name of saved graphics Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Programmatically positioning a tag on an image Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Test to see if file exists Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Loading delimited text without header row. Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic USB Serial Port Adapter for use with Mac OS X Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic SQL Tutorial Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic How fast is SOCKIT? Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic SavePict speed Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Hiding Procedure Files from Procedure Windows Menu List Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic GigE Cameras Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Importing delimited data convoluted with commas Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Learning Structure Based Programing Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Igor Summer Camp Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Using VDTReadWave2 Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Date/Time axis is forced for all axis Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Particle Analysis - Do they make a line? Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Understanding Hough Transform Output Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic VDT2 Data Reading Differences between Terminal Port and Command Port Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Missing Comma in CSV File Output Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Raw versus regular PNG Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Zooming All X Axis Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Axis not autoscaling Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Version 7 Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Image Processing Primer Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic ImageSave - Size Check failed Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Out of Memory Error with Particle Analysis Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Layout-Like User Interface Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Edge Detection and Manual Thresholds Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Confusing Results with ImageRotate Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Nice Font for Procedure Windows Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Dim Labels in MxtrixOP Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Constraints for Peak Fitting Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Problem with ImagefromXYZ Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic ListBox not updating Selwave Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic RemoveEnding Question Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic XPS data from Phy Multipak Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic MultiPeakBatchFit question Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Trying to understand area calculations in Gaussian and ExpModGauss Peaks Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Show Graph with Percent Values Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Display vs. NewImage Behavior from Contextual Menu in Data Browser Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Freeform text entry field Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Hair Cursor spans entire graph Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Messed Up Interface Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic VDT2 + Keyspan USD to Serial + Wake from Sleep = Lock Up Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Divider line in popupmenu Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Checking for a button push Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Yosemite Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Help with Gizmo and Movie Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic DoIgorMenu and Save Experiment Copy Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic RemoveFromGraph Tracenamelist Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic How do we get Igor more widely adopted Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Window Hook and Window Focus Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Seeking Assistance: Image analysis strategies Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic /B flag in loadwave Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Window focus with window hook Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Saving a Free wave Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Image Analysis - Particle Analysis output waves Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic ImageRegistration Algorithm Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic ImageParticle Analysis output Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Updating SetVariable Control Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Category Plot with Calculated X wave from dimension labels Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Do Something while key is pressed AND held down Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Importing Time Data Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic poly2D fit terms: secret decoder ring Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Particle Analysis Differences In IP7 Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Particle Analysis Problem Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Help Parsing out a return message from a stage controller Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Camera selection upon opening experiment Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Particle Analysis does not give boundary waves Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic MatrixOp minCols(w) Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Inverted Image upon import Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Connect DSLR camera Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Gizmo Color by a wave Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Keep Row Labels upon Concatenate Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Maintaining Square Pixels on Zooming Image Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Put It Into Reverse: Image Color to Value Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Tools for Cross Platform Development Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Recommendations for integrating an IP Experiment into a work flow Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Industrial Camera that works with IP7 Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Can someone write custom XOP for Basler camera - Will pay Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Set Coefficient Names in Curve Fit Dialog Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Extract Error Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Parameter out of range in ImageAnalyzeParticles Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Moving and Sizing an Object Drawing Layer Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Annotation Text with multiple lines. Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Grid Draw on Top of Data Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Load delimited file with both wave name and row labels? Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Edge Detection with ROI Broken(?) Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Browse another experiments procedures Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Save Delimited Data with CSV file extension 07/12/2018 - 16:10
Forum topic Hough transform for arcs/parabolas 08/12/2018 - 11:48
Forum topic Full Path Trace Names 08/30/2018 - 12:40
Forum topic Client is using IP6 - how to check for problematic code 09/24/2018 - 23:59
Forum topic Interesting Visualization Example and Request for Analysis Strategy 11/19/2018 - 13:24
Forum topic Closing Procedure Window default to hide 02/11/2019 - 10:31
Forum topic SQL Insert BLOB (Binary Large Object) 02/12/2019 - 13:37
Forum topic SQL XOP errors 02/28/2019 - 09:44
Forum topic Text Size in Category Plot 10/03/2019 - 17:16
Forum topic Mollweide Projection 04/16/2020 - 09:29
Forum topic Create Violin / Box plot WITHOUT data points from start 05/19/2020 - 16:56
Forum topic Remapping some waves 06/01/2020 - 09:21
Forum topic exponential with offset fitting 06/10/2020 - 16:19
Forum topic Using Extract on Multidimensional Waves 10/12/2020 - 11:54
Forum topic Wave Reference in Function Call 11/15/2020 - 07:00
Forum topic Creating Box Plots Based on labels from a text wave 11/17/2020 - 16:15
Forum topic Sortlist Question 11/20/2020 - 12:41
Forum topic Problems entering comments 11/22/2020 - 23:45
Forum topic Data Brushing 11/23/2020 - 17:15
Forum topic Dynamic Text and GetDataFolder() 12/04/2020 - 09:14
Forum topic Choose Marker Dialog 12/11/2020 - 10:07
Forum topic Popup code execution question 12/14/2020 - 16:43
Forum topic User Tick Labels 12/14/2020 - 17:14
Forum topic Tool for Handling Nominal Data or ( When Scope Creep gets Really Ugly) 12/18/2020 - 06:07
Forum topic Logistic fit of data set 12/23/2020 - 10:44
Forum topic Imagetransform destination flag 01/18/2021 - 10:48
Forum topic Compilation Error -Setting Popupmenu Value 03/04/2021 - 13:04
Forum topic Auto MultiPeak Fitting (User Interface) and Negative Peaks 04/14/2021 - 15:39
Forum topic Findduplicates UN + UNC + TOL 07/14/2021 - 12:04
Forum topic Format for initial values in Batch Multipeak Fitting 10/12/2021 - 19:59
Forum topic Image Graph not updating on base data load and overwrite 11/13/2021 - 17:13
Forum topic ImageAnalyzeParticles /F vs /FILL and not full 11/30/2021 - 16:50
Forum topic Initializing a zero length wave 03/22/2022 - 10:19
Forum topic GetBrowserSelection doesn't count right. 07/11/2022 - 08:52
Forum topic Peak Fit Automation - Looking for suggestions 08/17/2022 - 15:02
Forum topic Peak Fit - Voigt - Negative Lorentz Width 09/06/2022 - 13:21
Forum topic Fix the location of tag 10/06/2022 - 12:00
Forum topic Text Color from Trace Color 12/16/2022 - 18:56
Forum topic Peak Fit Parameters for EMGPeak and Voigt 01/26/2023 - 17:18
Forum topic Issuing commands from a terminal 02/17/2023 - 09:34
Forum topic Chebyshev backgrounds for XRD fitting 03/10/2023 - 07:42
Forum topic Image Analysis: Extend Hough Transform to Circles 03/18/2023 - 22:34
Forum topic ModifyImage Transparency flag 03/21/2023 - 09:58
Forum topic Imagelineprofile with /Rad flag Question 03/22/2023 - 14:19
Forum topic Extracting number from a string of varying format 04/01/2023 - 08:30
Forum topic Image Hide 04/13/2023 - 16:20
Forum topic How would speed this up? 07/10/2023 - 09:31
Forum topic Hierarchical Clustering & Dendrogram 04/18/2023 - 09:54
Forum topic Accessing Traces in Scatterplot 05/23/2023 - 10:47
Forum topic DBScan Clustering Algorithm 06/06/2023 - 10:51
Forum topic Strategy for User Input in ROI Creation 06/07/2023 - 14:04
Forum topic Remove Window Hook 08/17/2023 - 09:20
Forum topic Calling a Python Script from within experiment 09/18/2023 - 18:01
Forum topic Force a Selection in Popmenu by entry number 09/11/2023 - 13:37
Forum topic Errors in Calling Python script 09/20/2023 - 08:49
Forum topic executescripttext with file name 09/22/2023 - 06:08
Forum topic DoIgorMenu on submenu item - Windows->Control->Retrieve All Windows 09/26/2023 - 10:41
Forum topic Points in Poly 02/26/2024 - 14:54
Forum topic Working With Python Sandbox 03/01/2024 - 10:41
Forum topic Parallel Processing with Python Script 03/13/2024 - 13:20
Forum topic Clean Up errant contour lines 04/05/2024 - 10:11
Forum topic DataFrame Equivalent 04/04/2024 - 15:57
Forum topic Complex variable in test clause 06/12/2024 - 08:58
Forum topic Stop Button (Again) 07/01/2024 - 16:19
Forum topic Image Upload Error 07/01/2024 - 21:18