
Igor Pro 9 will include an UnzipFile operation.
Here is a barebones utility for the reverse process, creating an archive. I haven't tested it much, especially on Windows. This overwrites existing archives.
function zipGUI() // get a list of files to zip variable refnum string fileFilters = "All Files:.*;" Open /D/R/F=fileFilters/MULT=1/M="Select files to zip" refnum if (strlen(S_fileName) == 0) return 0 endif zipFiles(ReplaceString("\r", S_fileName, ";"), "") end // utility function, creates a zip archive // all paths are junked, no subfolders are preserved. // not tested much on windows function zipFiles(string FilePathListStr, string zipPathStr) int verbose = 1 // choose whether to print output from executescripttext string msg = "", cmd = "", zipFileStr = "" int i, numfiles numfiles = ItemsInList(FilePathListStr) for (i=0;i<numfiles;i+=1) GetFileFolderInfo /Q/Z StringFromList(i, FilePathListStr) if (V_Flag || V_isFile==0) printf "Could not find %s\r", StringFromList(i, FilePathListStr) return 0 endif endfor if (strlen(zipPathStr) == 0) zipPathStr = SpecialDirPath("Desktop",0,0,0) zipFileStr = "archive.zip" DoAlert 1, "Zip to Desktop:archive.zip?" if (v_flag == 2) return 0 endif else if (cmpstr(zipFileStr[strlen(zipFileStr)-1], ":") == 0) zipFileStr = "archive.zip" else zipFileStr = ParseFilePath(0, zipPathStr, ":", 1, 0) zipPathStr = ParseFilePath(1, zipPathStr, ":", 1, 0) endif GetFileFolderInfo /Q/Z zipPathStr if (V_Flag || V_isFolder==0) sprintf msg, "Could not find zipPathStr folder\rCreate %s?", zipPathStr DoAlert 1, msg if (v_flag == 2) return 0 endif endif endif // make sure zipPathStr folder exists - necessary for mac NewPath /C/O/Q acw_tmpPath, zipPathStr KillPath /Z acw_tmpPath if (stringmatch(StringByKey("OS", IgorInfo(3))[0,2],"Win")) // Windows string strVersion = StringByKey("OSVERSION", IgorInfo(3)) variable WinVersion = str2num(strVersion) // turns "" into 10.1 and 6.23.111 into 6.2 (windows 8.0) if (WinVersion<6.3) Print "zipArchive requires Windows 10 or later" return 0 endif zipPathStr = ParseFilePath(5, zipPathStr, "\\", 0, 0) cmd = "powershell.exe Compress-Archive -Force -LiteralPath " string strPath for (i=0;i<numFiles;i+=1) strPath = ParseFilePath(5, StringFromList(i, FilePathListStr), "\\", 0, 0) strPath = replacestring("'", strPath, "''") cmd += SelectString(i>0, "", ", ") + "'" + strPath + "'" endfor strPath = replacestring("'", zipPathStr + zipFileStr, "''") cmd += " -DestinationPath '" + strPath + "'" else // Mac zipPathStr = ParseFilePath(5, zipPathStr, "/", 0, 0) sprintf cmd, "zip -j -r -X \\\"%s%s\\\"", zipPathStr, zipFileStr for (i=0;i<numfiles;i++) cmd += " \\\"" + ParseFilePath(5, StringFromList(i, FilePathListStr), "/", 0,0) + "\\\"" endfor sprintf cmd, "do shell script \"%s\"", cmd endif ExecuteScriptText /B/UNQ/Z cmd if (verbose) Print S_value // output from executescripttext endif return (v_flag == 0) end



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Awesome! This gives me an Idea to write something for loading zipped data. Some data files I use even have a compression ratio > 100! I wonder if there is a smart way to unzip a file directly into Igor's memory. I guess the approach would be to unzip into a temporary file, load the file and then delete the temporary file. It's a bit scary to wrangle with files on disk that way.
January 18, 2021 at 07:54 pm - Permalink
Both my hack for Igor 8 and Igor 9's UnzipFile work only with file input, so you'd have to add the temporary file step. There's an XOP that's supposed to work with strings.
You could take a look at the way I deal with unzipping to a temporary file in the Updater project.
January 18, 2021 at 11:39 pm - Permalink
Yeah, I will take a look. I want to release some projects of mine soon, so I wanted to get to the updater anyway to make things compatible.
January 19, 2021 at 02:30 am - Permalink