Mousewheel Graph Window Zoom

In my web browser I can magnify the window contents by holding down the command/control key and scrolling with mousewheel or trackpad. Now I can do the same in a graph window :)
You can already use the mousewheel/trackpad to change the axis range if you hover over an axis. The code below lets you zoom both axes simultaneously. Holding down the shift key as well as command/ctrl accelerates the zoom factor. Expansion/contraction is centred at the mouse cursor position, so you can position your mouse and command-shift-scroll to zoom in rapidly on a point of interest.
When the 'global' symbol is defined, scroll-to-zoom is active for all newly created graph windows. Otherwise, it can be turned on or off for each graph window.
Edit: This code snippet is now a project: ScrollToZoom. Now you can use the Project Updater to install and maintain ScrollToZoom.
#pragma TextEncoding="UTF-8" #pragma rtGlobals=3 #pragma DefaultTab={3,20,4} #pragma version=1.60 #pragma IndependentModule=ScrollToZoom #pragma IgorVersion=9 #define global // key codes // 2: shift; 4: option/alt; 8: command/ctrl // On Windows, alt key is reserved for graph drag. static constant kZoomKey = 8 static constant kFasterKey = 2 // 0 to disable static constant kZoomSpeed = 70 static constant kReverse = 0 // 1 to reverse the direction of expansion #ifdef global static function AfterWindowCreatedHook(string win, variable type) if (type == 1) SetWindow $win hook(hScrollToZoom)=ScrollToZoom#hookScrollToZoom endif return 0 end static function AfterFileOpenHook(variable refNum, string fileNameStr, string pathNameStr, string fileTypeStr, string fileCreatorStr, variable fileKind) if (filekind == 1 || filekind == 2) // opened an experiment SetHooks(1) endif return 0 end static function SetHooks(int activate) wave/T wGraphs = ListToTextWave(WinList("*",";","WIN:1"), ";") for (string strWin : wGraphs) if (activate) SetWindow $strWin hook(hScrollToZoom)=ScrollToZoom#hookScrollToZoom else SetWindow $strWin hook(hScrollToZoom)=$"" endif endfor end #endif menu "Graph", dynamic ScrollToZoom#zoomMenu(), /Q, ScrollToZoom#toggleZoom() end menu "Panel", dynamic ScrollToZoom#zoomMenu(), /Q, ScrollToZoom#toggleZoom() end function/S zoomMenu() string strParent = ParseFilePath(0, WinName(0, 65), "#", 0, 0) if (!strlen(strParent)) return "" endif GetWindow/Z $strParent hook(hScrollToZoom) return SelectString(strlen(s_value)>0, "", "!" + num2char(18)) + "Scroll-to-Zoom" end function toggleZoom() string strParent = ParseFilePath(0, WinName(0, 65), "#", 0, 0) if (strlen(strParent)) GetWindow $strParent hook(hScrollToZoom) SetWindow $strParent hook(hScrollToZoom) = $SelectString(strlen(s_value)>0, "ScrollToZoom#hookScrollToZoom", "") endif end function hookScrollToZoom(STRUCT WMWinHookStruct &s) if (WinType(s.winName) != 1) return 0 endif if (s.eventCode == 22 && s.eventMod&kZoomKey) // mousewheel/touchpad + zoom key string strAxes = AxisList(s.WinName), axis = "", type = "", info = "" int i, isHorizontal, isLog Make/D/free/N=3 wAx // free wave to hold axis minimum, maximum, axis value for mouse location variable expansion = 1 + sign(kReverse - 1) * s.wheelDy * kZoomSpeed / 5000 if (s.eventMod & kFasterKey) if (kFasterKey==2 && s.wheelDy==0) // this works when shift key also transforms wheel.dY to wheel.dX s.wheelDy = s.wheelDx endif expansion = 1 + sign(kReverse - 1) * s.wheelDy * kZoomSpeed / 500 endif for (i=ItemsInList(strAxes);i>=0;i--) axis = StringFromList(i, strAxes) info = AxisInfo(s.WinName, axis) type = StringByKey("AXTYPE", info) isHorizontal = (cmpstr(type, "bottom")==0 || cmpstr(type,"top")==0) isHorizontal = isHorizontal || (cmpstr(type[0,2],"/B=")==0 || cmpstr(type[0,2],"/T=")==0) isLog = (NumberByKey("log(x)", info, "=")) GetAxis/W=$s.WinName/Q $axis wAx = {v_min, v_max, AxisValFromPixel(s.WinName, axis, isHorizontal ? s.mouseLoc.h : s.mouseLoc.v)} if (WaveMax(wAx) == wAx[2] || WaveMin(wAx) == wAx[2]) continue endif if (isLog) wAx = log(wAx) wAx = wAx[2] - (wAx[2] - wAx[p]) * expansion wAx = alog(wAx) else wAx = wAx[2] - (wAx[2] - wAx[p]) * expansion endif WaveStats/Q/M=1 wAx if ( (V_numNaNs+V_numInfs) || wAx[1]==wAx[0] ) continue endif if (wAx[1] > wAx[0]) SetAxis/W=$s.WinName $axis, wAx[0], wAx[1] else SetAxis/R/W=$s.WinName $axis, wAx[0], wAx[1] endif endfor endif return 0 end



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Edited snippet works with log axes.
February 17, 2021 at 12:30 am - Permalink
Edited to add /R flag for reversed axes. A subsequent autoscale will not switch the axis direction.
February 19, 2021 at 04:27 am - Permalink
I just noticed that forum member Henry S released a project back in 2014 that functions more-or-less identically to this code snippet.
I suspect that the 2014 project is not maintained any more. Nevertheless, I wanted to point out that Henry S got there first, and note that it's easy to overlook the resources available in this forum!
August 29, 2021 at 02:25 am - Permalink
Say, Tony- I'm guessing that this adds to the functionality you get currently when the mouse is over an axis and you use the mouse wheel?
August 30, 2021 at 09:24 am - Permalink
Yes, it zooms so that the point under the mouse stays put. The older project used a modifier key to prevent zooming, mine uses a modifier to allow. It feels quite 'natural'.
My version also handles log axes.
What I didn't do is to get a list of all axes and figure out which ones are relevant for the mouse cursor position...
Edit: v1.5 fixes this
August 31, 2021 at 12:39 am - Permalink
In reply to Yes, it zooms both axes … by tony
Hi Tony,
Thank you for posting this code! It works like a charm and it is extremely useful. However, for us, it would be really great if one could add-on additional functionalities such as: (i) correcting a linear slope and (ii) being able to extract (wave)points and the corresponding wavenames by clicking, perhaps while pressing the right mouse button, on a specific graph point. Maybe the former functionality could be implemented to work similarly to how the “alt” key is currently used for dragging. For the second feature the output may be directed to a either a separate, stand-alone window or to a user function. Could you please provide some pointers on how these features could be incorporated in your code? Alternatively, if updating your code is not feasible, would you mind providing some suggestions on how these functions could be developed?
March 13, 2023 at 09:21 am - Permalink
Hi Sebastian,
All the things you describe sound very doable, but I wouldn't attempt to tack any of them onto this code snippet. I suspect that there are some existing examples of code that does very similar things.
I have some code that provides a UI that will allow you change the slope of a data set interactively. It also allows other kinds of manipulations; I can share that with you if you're interested, but I prefer not to make it public.
For investigating wave names and points with mouseover interactivity, I would use a hook function together with the TraceFromPixel() function to identify the trace. Here is an example of code where a trace is labelled with a tag that disappears when the mouse moves off of the trace:
Maybe that provides a pathway to the kind of things you want to do? If you want to provide more details of what you have in mind I'm sure you can get some more specific pointers from the forum about how to get it done.
March 15, 2023 at 02:01 am - Permalink
Here is the code that allows you to 'correct' a linear slope in a completely arbitrary fashion. This is a dangerous activity, IMO. At least the manipulation is recorded in a wavenote. However, for spectroscopic applications at least, I strongly recommend fitting and subtracting a linear baseline rather than simply 'rotating' the data like this.
Edit: version 1.10 works for both waveform and X-Y traces
March 20, 2023 at 07:20 am - Permalink
See also
DisplayHelpTopic "Trace Menus"
for an example of how to extend the trace popup menu to extract a wave name. Invoking the menu also records the mouse position in global variables, so you can use TraceFromPixel to find the hitpoint.
March 20, 2023 at 07:44 am - Permalink
In reply to See also DisplayHelpTopic … by tony
Hi Tony,
Thank you for sharing your code and for the additional feedback! This works great and it is exactly what I envisioned.
March 20, 2023 at 08:34 am - Permalink
I found a newer version of the tilt&bend code, attached in the post above.
March 23, 2023 at 06:32 am - Permalink
New version allows you to turn on Scroll-to-Zoom for panels with graph subwindows.
February 3, 2025 at 02:58 am - Permalink